Watch Misandrist Mallory Ortberg Tell Male Novelist Jokes, Or You Are Part Of The Problem (Video)
Since we bashed in the head of our poor little arts-n-entertainment sisterblog, and now it's all about teevee, we don't have anywhere else to post our hilarious literary humor, so here you go, Wonkers (besides, we know you. You're mostly of a literary bent, or at least bent): Here is hilarious The Toast writer (and personal friend of Yr Editrix) Mallory Ortberg, reading a piece called "Male Novelist Jokes." It made us want to do pushups and go to sea, or war, or both.
[ YouTube / Illustration by Benjamin Stone -- buy the mug! ]
I'm not one of the English majors here on the Wonkette, so I have a real question about this, which is: are these jokes individually targeted? I have enough exposure to general fiction to recognize the mansplaining, and, say, Hemingway and Fleming, and several of the jokes are dead funny. Q. How many ... A. War is Hell.
But many of the longer answers left me wondering what was their point. So, my question is, are some of those aimed at specific writers, and I just don't get it?
all of us,Katie?