I'm not one of the English majors here on the Wonkette, so I have a real question about this, which is: are these jokes individually targeted? I have enough exposure to general fiction to recognize the mansplaining, and, say, Hemingway and Fleming, and several of the jokes are dead funny. Q. How many ... A. War is Hell.

But many of the longer answers left me wondering what was their point. So, my question is, are some of those aimed at specific writers, and I just don't get it?

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all of us,Katie?

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Well, I think we know who the envious one is here ...

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That was sublime. I wept. But not in a gay way!

(Drinks scotch, does pushups, grumbles...)

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The Toast is one of the last bastions of High Culture not defended by bloated plutocratic jerkasses.

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I must be part of the problem, because I really want to know how many male novelists it takes to screw in a light bulb. Just give me a number!

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How many male novelists does it take to screw in a light bulb?

None. It was a dark and stormy night and they were damn well sure it was going to stay that way

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Wasn't there a boat? Or I am I thinking of Joseph Conrad?

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How many female romance writers does it take to screw in a light bulb?

Never in her life had she anticipated this, but here she was, firmly grasping the cool glass and rotating her wrist rhythmically.

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