that one lady should be on 'american horror story' and not in the cool jessica lange way.

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What a very....white....crowd.

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Well, gee, the first one is pretty accurate, for the standardized teabag value of "presidential" == white.

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That is why I stopped reading fantasy series a long time ago (until Game of Thrones). Most of it was just bullshit, and not even good bullshit.

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You gotta counter with a hahdookeeen! Either that or front flip over the energy ball and kick him in the back of the head.

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Obama, Obamb, Obamc ...

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The HORROR...!

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Who's the genius who figured out that the moron demographic was big enough to be worth the attention of the GOP? Because they sure as hell have got a lock on it. (And you thought blacks were solid for Obama!)

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The BUDDHISTS! I knew they were up to something, ever since that Keanu Reeves movie!

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The state with the 85 mph speed limit, AND resistance against limits on the Constitutional right to text while driving. What could possibly go wrong?

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Smith's invisible hand isn't working very well ... it's time to give Darwin's invisible fist a shot.

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Something tells me there was no MENSA booth at that rally.

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It's nice to know as a Floridian that another state full of dumbasses is playing a pivotal role in the selection of the president.

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They dig multiple wives and covered dish dinners? I guess that could include Mormons for that matter...ooops.

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If a teabagger loses his shit and there isn't a live mic nearby, does he still make a sound?

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