I'd have expected something a little more supportive in the other direction from SP.

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Sadly, I'm at work and can't watch. However, I know from experience that it will be hilarious and on target and I also know that I will snark in my usual witty fashion. Today is off to a good start.

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It's pretty clear that Wonkette should change its name to "WashingtonRedskins.com" and start allowing comments.

And over in Wonkville, GrandviewResearchInc's spambots have provided another page of Dadaist info-biz-tainment. You can learn things you never imagined about the global market for acrylonitrile butadiene styrene, for example.

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the comments on youtube are full of epic butthurt from the racists powertool doochbags.

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The biolubricants and polyvinyl alcohol film make those spambots some seriously slippery bastards

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In other words, just another day on YouTube.

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day ending in Y! :)

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his little grin at the end is awesome.

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Much as I hate to pee on the snark parade, Wonkers should know that losing the registration isn't "losing the trademark." It just means that Snyder's lawyers have to jump through some extra hoops in court: They have to prove that they're entitled to protect the mark, instead of just pointing at the registration. They'll bill him several thousand bucks for it; pretty low on the Annoying Snyder Scale.

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All mentions of the "Washington Redskins" should be accompanied by a picture of a potato. Having the majority of the public and press use it as the team's unofficial logo would be hugely satisfying all around.

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