It's always time for the Ramones.

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I grew up in Wisconsin in Milwaukee and Menomonee Falls and now I live next door. Walker brings out the rage in so many people on both sides that friends and relatives are at each others throats. It really pisses me off because of what he has done to my old stomping grounds. If he doesn't get the boot next week I hope the courts get him or at the very least, he gets caught with a Rent-a-Boy that has a nasty STD.

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Probably more than half remain pig-ignorant of the facts. They'll vote based on a half-assed "feeling", generated by whichever campaign put the greatest number of flag-waving, feel-good, fear-the-other TV ads in front of them.

They'll put Walker back in office, and if you were to ask, they couldn't tell you why.

Dumbfuck voters maniuplated by big-money propaganda are nothing new, and <i>Citizens United</i> just made it easier than ever. You can thank the moron ideologues that Dumbya inflicted on the Supreme Court. What's most depressing is just how long-term the damage is -- I'm unlikely to live long enough to see the fuckers replaced.

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The problem with that line of reasoning is that Barrett's chance for success hinges on an unusually strong turnout by the melanin-blessed folks in Milwaukee. The recall has received very little support from the President or the DNC during the whole process.

Maybe they think a recall is distasteful, or maybe they think a Walker victory, based on so much big-donor money, can be used to scare Democrats into voting in November. (I really, really hope that's not the case).

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Although I'm not there, I agree with you based on what I read.

The result of this election is going to be determined by the turnout in Milwaukee, which is why I'm disappointed that the President has been so hands-off all along.

If he is doing this for strategic reasons around his own re-election, that's all well and good, but cold comfort to the pro-recall folks in Wisconsin.

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Of course it is, but I'm saying the way the law has it set up doesn't make any sense to me.

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yeah but it's easay to forgive the rough edges when so many jobs have been created.

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maybe, i kinda thought bamz was considered political poison in certain times / places. i would have thought this was one.

(i heard those poll numbers too. but i'm not very hopeful.)

mr. fuflans has been making calls all week (we're part of all the chicago outreach crap). he is very reasonable and quite effective as he is both knowledgeable and charming (he is from GA). so we do our liberal best.

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to be fair - as i posted a couple notes above - there are a boatload of us down here in chi doing our evil union thug best to see that smirk wiped off his face.

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I do not understand Wisconsin. Maybe Barack or his team do. Maybe if he showed his face in Cheddarstan, he would stir up a frenzy among the, let's say, melanin-averse voters there.

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Tom Barrett has a spine...are we sure he's a Democrat?

Having said that, I'm not sure why the Democrats should even have to put up a candidate. If a state is recalling a governor, should it be a referendum on the governor and whether he should be in office? When a regular person gets fired from their job halfway through their contract, they don't bring in other applicants to interview until after they decide the first guy should go.

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