Worst part? I had it for decades and didn't know. My biological father had it, knew it was genetic, but did he bother to tell his children to look out for it? Of course not! I had to find out I was diabetic when I woke up in the hospital after the car accident that damn near crippled me and killed me twice.

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LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Darn! :)

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"no evidence this is a terrorist incident."

If plowing your SUV into a Christmas parade, killing old women and maiming kids, isn't considered terrorism, then what the fuck is?

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i think they reserve terrorism for people who are acting in the name of extremist ideals, which the defendant has not proclaimed - but i do agree that causing mass death is an act of terror on a population

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normally we'd be protesting the bail is too high for a Black person to pay (because it is a way to punish poor people for being poor, or people who have an ideology that doesn't match the Right) - if he hadn't killed people, if he'd been arrested for like, shop lifting or public intoxication, that bail level would be a win... as it is, it was a licence to kill (and not in the sexy James Bond kinda way)

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Dennis Hastert is that you?Or Gym Jordan?Which right wing child abuser are you?

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Wait. A cop once jumped in his car because he thought this same guy was going to run the cop over?I am amazed he lived past that incident.

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Don't speak too soon the KKK and the evangelical church are trying to drag us back.

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You're right it doesn't for non-violent offenses. However, violent people should have their movements curtailed in some way. That kid in NY rotted there for 3 years over a stolen backpack.

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Complaintant was almost certainly a black woman. That's all the explanation you need.

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Would that work a lot like a restraining order? They're always so effective.

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There is a well-established link between DV and other forms of violence, as well as overt misogyny and other forms of extremist hatred. It may or may not be a "gateway drug" (I expect it is), but it's definitely a red flag.

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In custody cases, a history of DV is considered to be very important (even if individual judges sometimes dismiss it). It is a powerful indicator of future child abuse, if the woman is no longer around to beat up.

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Rastaman vibrations?

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I rather doubt that mental health care would have made much of a difference, here. There are people who are mentally disturbed. There are mentally disturbed who occasionally do bad things because they're going through a psychotic episode. And there are people who are outright assholes who just happen to be mentally disturbed. Yes, their delusions shape their criminality, but it doesn't cause it. They'd still be assholes, things and criminals even if they were healthy.

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WTF? That's so easy to automate that a second year programming student should be able to do it.

Begin Loop

Set Countdown_Timer=60If Countdown_Timer=0 Then

If Status=Alarm Then Run Alarm_Event_Subroutine Else Begin Loop

If the vendor of the monitor doesn't include that ability for no charge by default then they're crooks.

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