I fondly remember 'summers' in Aberdeen. Going blue as we were made to swim in the ocean

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It is nice to start the day with happy tears.

BTW, that is not a scone on the telly, but a penguin.

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your american friends just don't like U's as much as you scots. or should I use the american spelling "ewes" ;)

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I have a feeling the "united" kingdom might not be as "united" as they think

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Sending positive energy to your hubby. Fuck cancer.

I hope you get to be in Scotland together for a good long time.

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I can't say that I'm any expert in UK politics. But from what I have gathered from the News and Reddit, the Home Secretary, Priti Patel, is a psycho. The unholy spawn of Thatcher and Trump who derives physical pleasure from destroying peoples lives. It's an exceptionally rare occurrences for me to examine the actions of a person and think to myself: "Richard Nixon would be more compassionate."

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How ionic.

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points for hermit of Mar-a-Lago.

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That explains a lot!I see that I COULD understand the accent, just not what they were saying!

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I'm actually Canadian. We use the "anglicized " spelling, too. We love our U's!

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Don't forget the literal treason she committed and still got brought back to a high government position.

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I'm nominally 2/3 Scottish, apparently, and this warms my heart.

Can I take refuge in Scotland when I can't take this shit anymore? (USA West Coast, could be worse, I know).

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HMT Empire Windrush averted.

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"(you could hear the Anglicized spelling)" For years I thought "neighbors" was pronounced "nay-bores" and "neighbours" was pronounced "nay-boors." I also thought "misled" was "my-zeld." Too much reading and not enough real world.

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adapted from a Bulwark tab from last week.


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CAN. NOT. WAIT. My relatives are scots on both sides. In a past life I must have been brutalized by the English monarchy. All I know, is that I cannot wait til the Scots separate, they dont want Brexit, they didnt want Austerity and they CARE about their own people. Its not just separation for the sake of separation, there are fundamental differences between the Scots and the Tories who are just tools for the monarchy.London Rule must end. And the sweetest part to me?Getting that badly dressed, CRUEL, old hag the F out of Balmoral. She and her whole debauched clan are sooo...15th century. Duke of Pork, princeling and trophy hunter Harry[and his dumb as F celebrity beard]...the whole clan. CAN. NOT. WAIT. Will be visiting relatives in Paisley and Edinburgh when the sweet day of separation arrives at long last. Scottish Independence?HELL YEAH.

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