Does anyone know who's paying for all this? Ain't lin, whose got a fine to pay in Michigan.

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Wonder if lin et al will be bothered to go to her funeral. Prolly not.

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Step Monster. I'm stealing this and you can't stop me. I can't abide my husband's daughter.

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Should they have been offered cakes?

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Time to point out again that this is a fascist tell. The Nazis were very good at sowing confusion via contradiction.

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Even Chamberlain got over it. Halifax not so much.

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I reserve the right to be cynical about Frum as I'm Canadian and remember his early career as a wannabe neocon, trading on his far more honest mother's big name and desperately thirsting for the US wingnut welfare circuit big leagues. He lasted exactly one year in the Shrub administration and has been trading on that ever since. I'll grant that he's been trying for a while to steer his ideological comrades in a more reality-based direction but so far has utterly failed. And I can't say I've ever seen him really own the role he played in creating the conservative echo chamber that Trumpism turned into a demon-possessed house of mirrors.

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"I don't avoid women, Mandrake-- I just withhold my essence."

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The simple-minded idea that the name Kennedy means the same thing as Democrat. I don't know his politics but RFK is not a sane Democrat.

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I'm surprised RFK Jr. is an anti-vaxxer. He didn't have a problem with needles before.

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Yes. Sorry.

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So do I so owned

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They can’t do the math.

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My idiot unvaccinated cousin is in the police academy right now. The cops want their union to fight for their right to die from COVID.

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We've had our moments, and while we are much better now I still want to punch her for fighting getting her second shot. It's too hard for my face not to portray my feelings

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For your sake, I hope she gets the shot. There is probably nothing my Step Monster could do that would improve things other than moving away. When I was first dating her father, he told me he had a daughter who was finishing college in upstate New York and would probably live in the East. Instead, she returned to Denver and has been a royal narcissistic pain ever since. She must be the center of attention at all times, so I just zone out when we spend time with her. Redecorate the house in my head, think about a book I'm reading, have a few glasses of wine. If I pipe up at times with something she has not yet dominated, she gets twisted. Doesn't happen much as she is very intelligent. But an ass nonetheless.

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