didn't we actually lose a nuke in a swamp in south carolina like 30 years ago? It is still there as far as I know, slowly corroding, preparing to release plutonium into the ground.

There are like 6 bombs that we just lost and can't get at. I think 2 of them were on submarines and are too deep in the ocean to reach.

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So, you're telling me that my mother's green glow(she lives in charleston) isn't attributable to Obama? She's going to be disappointed(and salty).

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One is in Wassaw Sound. It has been searched for extensively. Extensively.http://www.nauticalchartson...

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Make sure you get her recipe book before the ICBM shower begins. No reason for such a loss.

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I live here and I'm ok with this. Us 'Urbans' can hide in the MARTA tunnels and emerge to rule after the dust settles. This weekend in one of the northern burbs I saw an auto business with "Mr. Prez please resign. Let Joe play golf" on their marquee. I don't even know what that means, do they want any president to just play golf, just not the blah guy? To be fair, thus was in Paul Broun's congressional district, a known loon, and I think, birther.

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So... he thought for some reason the Tea Party Congress passed this legislation? Because... they always do what Obama wants? Right? For fucks sake. He needs to watch the singing bill cartoon.

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A classic! (although it makes me feel very very old)

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What about the Stonecutters?

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No, that was Xander. Understandable mistake, though. Similar Hawaiian shirts.

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I am here but to serve.

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Florida, Texas?

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Rand slipped on his robe and walked out of the bedroom. He felt like a young tiger. He wanted to spring, he wanted red meat, he wanted to beat his chest. With a smirk, he called back into the room. "Dad! I gotta say...you give better blowjobs than mom."

Ron leaned against the door to the room. He wore only a towel. For all of his age, he was still fit and spry. He looked adoringly at his son. "Heh...your grandfather used to say the same thing. Now, c'mon back here and give your old man a turn.!"

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Not really. It would just make Assholes of a Different Hue. Remember, beauty is only skin deep but bullnecked, bloody-minded, jingoistic, racialist, fascist ignorance goes clean to the bone.

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Commander, go to DERPCON 1.

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It took me a minute to find this about an identical story circulating in the lunasphere last year. <a href="http://www.factcheck.org/20..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.factcheck.org/2012/05/obama-criminaliz...">http://www.factcheck.org/20...

When I hear a story like that I think "that would be outrageous if it were true". Then spend about a minute to find it's not true.

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<i>a couple of generals really got fired within a few days of each other.</i>

Obummer has been reading that Thomas Ricks book, eh?

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