Which is probably exactly *WHY* Drumph hired him.

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More than one, iirc.

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I’m sorry if this is mean but that boy looks stupid. Like he suffered a terrible fall on the jungle gym and his parents were multiple concussion diniers or something. Try breathing through your nose Pap, that would improve the whole visage so to speak. I have nothing to add to the tale he told except that he must have run in by the Daily Caller Editorial Board and they were all good to go.

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She did still work there, but they've suspended her for saving PDFs incorrectly (afaict) after petty harassment also too. She may be very rich after all the ways she can sue their asses.

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The first time I saw her interviewed, and before I knew her name, I thought she definitely had a Russian accent. After I knew her name, I thought that KIND of made sense, since there aren't a whole lot of Mangiante's in Russia. On the other hand, since that time it has come out that she has, shall we say, a rather shady past. She claims she's only been to Russia once. I don't know what her deal is, but I speak Russian and worked in Moscow for a while in my working life, and I think I know a Russian accent when I hear one. I don't speak Italian, but when I hear a real Italian speaking English, the accent is definitely not Russian.

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I saw a news segment recently with a zoologist that said that the polar bears would eventually adapt to the loss of their ice floe and seek prey closer to land. I don't doubt that, but I'm guessing that feeding on a Marc Thiessen would require a whole lot of adapting.

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I apologize in advance for this post and you have my heartfelt sympathy for your malady, but because I'm an oldz, any time I see the word "tummy", I harken back to my youth and the song "Yummy, Yummy, Yummy" (love in my tummy) by the Ohio Express in '68. So, I sincerely wish you less yeast infection ON and more love IN your tummy.

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Usually people lie about *not* having been in Model UN.

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Georgie Porgie continues to show his stupidity every time I see him. If I find out he is a guest, I don't watch.

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A better place for this interview would have been Comedy Central, or maybe Nickelodeon.

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Ah, but you forget about the pedo-ring she runs out of the basement of a basementless pizza parlor.

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In case you missed it because he introduced the point so subtly - he's selling a book. He mentioned it only ten times in a five minute interview so it was easy to overlook it.

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His wife wants nice things...

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They need to stop having those mother fuckers on!

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They are 'news', ya know.

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I've seen and heard his wife. She deserves Georgie.

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