especially a cake we like!

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do you mean PA as in "personal assistant" or "physician assistant"? Also, are those few strands of hair what we are calling bangs?(asking for a friend--my forehead is so small that whenever I've been stupid enough to attempt bangs, they always give the effect of a puffy mullet.)

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I had a high school classmate with the surname "Cornell" who went to Dartmouth.

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Personal assistant. Yeah, I went with bangs because I wasn't sure what else to call that mess.

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I don't know if she is or not, but if what's her face can say she went to law school, I can say my ex-boyfriend was Kurt Cobain. I'm slightly more sane than Courtney.

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Why not? I'm gonna put Race Car driver(N/A) there, too.

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The long, long tie is to help him find the hole in his flab that his junk retracted into 30 years ago.

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Stories about Eric's foundation make it very clear there were 2 distinct periods: The early years, where his college buddies were the board and it was actually run as a charity to help people, and the crony years, when Donald's associates took over and it became part of the Donald Trump empire with all of the illegal transactions that involved.

She started there in 2011, so part of the corrupt years.

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isn't that "heck of a job Bernie"

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Too soon?

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I have evidence of my initial attempt at bangs immortalized by a first grade school portrait. When my sons were six, one of them came home with his behavior rating "yellow" because of "misuse of scissors." I thought "yup, right on time, must be a genetic thing :D

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I'm guessing this is what she gets in lieu of payment for the last event she organized... I have no trouble believing that TrumpCo looks at this job as a way to pay her off with other people's money.

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Yes. In 1287.

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No, I think that qualifies.

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