"When are you going to learn about Chinese treachery? Didn't Pearl Harbor teach you anything?" -- Maj. Frank Burns, to Hawkeye.

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She should be head of the secret service.

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Come on down and get a budgie for the kiddies!

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Sooner or later somebody's gonna remind Trump that being president means giving over the Trump Organization to a "blind" trust. His heart will skip several beats before he realizes he really would prefer not being president.

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It is telling to me that both parties seem to be putting their faith in political outsiders, ie. Bernie and Trump (yes I know Hillary leads everywhere but New Hampshire). No one trusts Washington, being too familiar with it is proving to be incredibly destructive to a candidate's chances, and even on the left (where we have a man in office) the cry has changed from "yes we can," to Spain's "you don't represent us!"

People have been pissed off for a while, but this is starting to look like a whole different animal. Who would have thought even ten years ago that we'd have a legitimate socialist candidate? The direction has turned away from the dynastic Bush vs Clinton, which smart money said only a year ago would be our choice, to Billionaire vs Socialist - a literal and metaphorical battle for the soul of America, and all our futures.

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This is one of those 'be careful what you wish for' things, isn't it?

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As long as they are hetero and male fornicators. Wimins are still sluts tho

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But of course, that's how Jesus would want it!

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But she has to bring Jodie Sweetin.

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Live by the sword die by the sword. She's probably hugging the toilet, throwing up all that kool-aid.

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... counting down the days until Steven Colbert premiers his version of The Late Show and yes, I really really hope The Trumpster's ego has him agreeing to appear as one of the first guests. If anyone can destroy Teflon Donald, Stephen is the man.

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... the Wasillabilly isn't "CLASSY!" enough. Does she slather caviar-based cream on her offspring? She does not. Does she have her own vanity merchandise line (Melania jewelry, Ivanka fashion accessories)? She does not (thankfully). Even $arah knows that she can't compete in the tacky, tasteless world of Trumpica - but oh, lawd!, how she does dream!

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... just yell "we outta beer and the pork rinds is all gone!" and watch how fast they can slide off the couch and make it to the pick-up truck. Or Hoveround. Just threaten them with something that really means a lot to them, and they'll show up.

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... I know I'm almost a week late reading this, but I did see a sound-bite on the tee-vee a few days ago where Trumpty Dumpty was saying... "you know what my favourite book is? The Bible... The Art Of The Deal is my second favourite..." So, for a brief moment at least, he was taking a stab at the Fundagelical Taliban pandering that seems so de riguer in the GOP circus tent. This was after he said he "didn't need to ask God for forgiveness" so perhaps he was trying to do a little damage control? And to get in a plug for his bullshit vanity publication also, too.

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... like a casino. Only Dumbald "I'm the smartest, richest, classiest, most successful businessman" Trump can do that. He has the experience.

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