Gawd ... the whole low-rent clan really does belong in a double-wide. Stunning to think that the GOP was willing to have 'em in the White House!
It should be clarified that Sarah and I were born yesterday.
Er, no, I mean had our <i>birthdays</i> yesterday. Our charming naivete (aka obnoxiousness) just makes us seem to have been born yesterday.
As part of that, rather than be thankful for the birthday wishes, we will throw tantrums that they are late.
They&#039;ll probably wait &#039;till it&#039;s dark, and go in with night vision equipment, rather than giving him a chance to pick off any more people.
Abstinence, how does that work again?
Now looking like he set the place on fire, and did himself in. Let&#039;s hope that&#039;s the end of it.
as soon as she finds an identity that pays better
Gawd ... the whole low-rent clan really does belong in a double-wide. Stunning to think that the GOP was willing to have &#039;em in the White House!
Did you get the Ted Nugent brand of cleanser?
It should be clarified that Sarah and I were born yesterday.
Er, no, I mean had our <i>birthdays</i> yesterday. Our charming naivete (aka obnoxiousness) just makes us seem to have been born yesterday.
As part of that, rather than be thankful for the birthday wishes, we will throw tantrums that they are late.
Any recent photo will show thing she hasn&#039;t quit is aging.
That will never grow old for me.
They&#039;ll probably wait &#039;till it&#039;s dark, and go in with night vision equipment, rather than giving him a chance to pick off any more people.
Assumes fact not in evidence.
Huh, I share a birthday with Sarah Palin. Along with many other things, I&#039;m sure. All of which we sincerely hope remain in remission.
\"Haggy\" would&#39;ve been better, it&#39;s true. Do hags have a lobby or a religion?
How old is she... 16? My apologies to all the 16 year olds out there.
Dionne Warwick libel!!1!
I guessing she ends up selling hair extensions or a better mouse trap.
I&#039;d still fuck her....with votes.