Clearly, Detroit would look just like Greenwich CT, if only they'd had Republican mayors.

I still can't figure out if this asshole is actually this stupid, or just playing stupid so his imbecile audience doesn't catch on to the game (as if they could, or would want to.)

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i remember thinking when the trailer first aired (right when ows was front page news if memory serves) either nolan is a terribly lucky man or he is a far more politically prescient brit working in hollywood than hollywood deserves.

(this is in no way to cast aspersions on our own lizzie).

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no. that stupid batman voice annoys me when christian bale does it.

no way i'm listening to pretty boy wingtard.

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You are so freakishly fucking right.

Nice nice very nice.

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I made it through 47 seconds of video and didn't foresee any amusement.

Could be a bit oversensitive, though, since my home state has the only city known to mankind with crumbling buildings in it.

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You can't blame leftist mayors for ruining Detroit when clearly the communist president and his communist auto bailout and his communist saving of "Government Motors," as real patriots refer to it, retroactively ruined Detroit. Also, the Pistons.

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Batman sounds out of breath. Maybe he needs to use the stairs more instead of the bat pole.

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I can't be the only one who thinks Catwoman is making a 99% speech in that <a href="http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v=7gFwvozMHR4" target="_blank">Dark Knight Rises trailer</a>. #OccupyGotham

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