I left my wood ♪ ♫ In Detroit Michigan. ♪ ♫

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True dat.

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Close your eyes and he sounds just like the late, great Randy "Macho Man" Savage.

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I don't think he knows a woodpecker from a peckerwood.

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No. It means that given our current national insanity, how best do we hang on to those tiny shreds of sweet humanity so as to not succumb to the Idiotcracy?

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He would have had a much happier disposition if he had drank some beers and bonded with at the Wonkette Detroit function.

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This is why we can't have nice states.

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Here's a live feed of people that have problem with everything, most especially reality:<i> Tonight the Right Online Welcome Event begins at 10PM EST (7PM PT) and will feature speakers such as Tracy Henke, Michelle Malkin, David Bossie, Stephen K. Bannon, and of course Governor Sarah Palin who is the keynote speaker. The chatroom is open and you can watch below: <a href="http://www.therightscoop.co..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.therightscoop.com/10pm-est-watch-right...">http://www.therightscoop.co... </i> This is also a lovefest for the dearly departed Andrew Breitbart, 'Ronald Reagan 3rd class'.

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Thanks, Virg...it's hard to stay positive, but I try. Lord know, I try.

(thank god for scotch)

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Also this...I know several earnest, hard working lefties that think that they're going to change the world...I don't try to burst their balloon because for all of my assured negativity, I might be wrong. But, being a student of history (my college major), I can see all too often where being an asshole, to the majority of people, is a much more soothing an sustainable position to actively pointing out that the current path is fucked up. Doesn't mean we should stop shouting against the ignorance...but there it is.

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Thanks Tess,<br /><br />Given that most of my family are sweet, but willfully ignorant of current trends, I turn to my fellow wonketteers, those who \"get\" me (for a given value of \"get\") on a political level to keep me stable (for a given value of stable).<br /><br />Oh..and cats. Cats are key.<br /><br />---

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That reminds me of the time, when I was going through my own divorce, a friend took me to a "Being Single Again "support group". When it came time to "testify" this dude came up and described in painful detail how every woman he had married (not dated...MARRIED) cheated on him. I got a ton of shit when, amongst all of the well meaning comments directed at him, I raised my hand and said, "you know...I'm new here, but I think I see a pattern.".

I wasn't invited back. But on a positive note, after nearly 20 years since my own divorce, I may be ready to marry again.

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He would be stumped by instructions to pour piss out of a boot that were printed on the heel of said boot.

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Hey, what's sauce for the Michi-goose is sauce for the Michi-gander.

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Michigan is just thinking with its lower peninsula.

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No more uplifting black preachers?

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