The beds!

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You might want to send her the link for the IRS portal so she can check her eligibility, just in case!

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That sums it up perfectly. They aren't going to help their fellow man - instead they're going to keep fucking all of us over while getting richer off the breaks while struggling families and their children pay a huge price just to keep food in their mouths and pay the rent, but giving them a couple of bucks to help them out is some kind of the worst evil known to man. When in fact it helps the economy and lifts a lot of these families out of poverty and puts them in a better place financially and we all know this is the right thing to do except the rich who make money off the poor(er) among us and if you take their financial servitude away they lose that power of them. Is this an oversimplification - yes, but I think it gets to the heart.

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And I do wonder if they don't mind driving to their big houses through a town that's a ghost town which is sometimes the result of their actions. Maybe they think-- "these people's businesses folded because they didn't have any sense! Probably drank up all their profits and had too many children."

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Still, I'm sure you deserve one. In your own way!

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I feel ya.... I got rid of a pretty extensive guitar collection about 2 years ago. It got out of hand. Amps, too.

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Like me, you perhaps grew up shopping at "Jaque Pennays"

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Indeed - now it's Tarjay...

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501(c)(3), I assume.

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From the time I began working, 1970, I took glorious vacations because I chose not to have any children. It definitely was a choice.

I wish the CTC benefits required some semblance of proof of need, like food stamps do. That would help prevent people from spending the assistance on 40s or vials of crack.

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Oh man. That last story? Goddamn onion ninjas, man.

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I get your point, but we don't need to tell people what to spend their money on.

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I can't thank everyone enough for sharing, this makes me very happy.

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They'd have to move TFG's anus out of the way first.

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Are you being sarcastic? If not, troll harder. That's a 2 effort on a 10-point scale.

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As a taxpayer, and as someone who does not get CTC benefits, I am more than satisfied, given what I know about the economy, that having a child and being below a certain income threshold is about as good a metric of need as there is. Imposing some other "proof" of need is only a means of ensuring that some with genuine need will be excluded.

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