I wasn't going to watch it. Then I saw Beau's video where he said, People, you really should watch this, so you'll see what's actually going on when people go out on these "big game hunts." So I watched it. It's just ... nothing ... people go out and execute a big animal. I don't understand why anyone would feel special about doing this.

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That's how the Masai used to hunt lions and very successfully. A spear, some sandals, tracking skills passed down for centuries and immense bravery. The Masai are now being convinced to give up hunting lions and protect them instead and it's working out well.

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These people arr fucking sick.

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the most dangerous game! only not so dangerous with wayne and susan.

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LaPierre must imagine he has gonads like Allan Quatermain in Haggard's KING SOLOMON'S MINES. The dick should realise this is not the nineteenth century. Personally, even as a twelve year old with Flash Gordon and Tarzan fantasies, I was put off by the scene in which Quatermain's party passes a huge herd of elephants and one of these frontier stalwarts muses on how it bothers his sportsman's conscience to let "a herd like that go" without shooting a few just for the hell of it, but time is pressing.I wish something pressing had happened to the LaPierres, something pressing to do with elephants' feet.

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Ancient animals, indeed -- and also intelligent (communicating via low frequency vibrations through the feet that Lady LaPierre hacked off to make garish furniture), deeply emotional, and cultured. We don't realize that we share the planet not just with other creatures, but also with their societies. Ones with communities and families. Humans deserve whatever's coming, but the elephants sure don't.

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When I was in like third grade, our cub scout troop went to a friends house, where his GRET WHITE ASSHOLE HUNTER daddy showed us home movies of his hunting a polar bear in Alaska. It showed him laughing while he played with the dead animal.

That made me realize that "big game hunter" fucktards like him are sociopathic monsters who kill for the pleasure of killing, even if I didn't know those words at the time.

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Well said!

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That's why I ABSOLUTELLY support our constitutional right to arm bears...

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I’m no legal expert or versed in game regulations but it would be great if we could invoke Stand Your Ground by proxy to give elephants and other animals butchered in these canned hunts s fighting chance

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From what I understand Old Man Trump absolutely flipped when he saw Dipshit, Jr and Eric posing with the dead elephant, holding the bloodied tail when the two went on a safari. He was pissed and called them a couple of fucking dopes. The only time I can remember actually agreeing with that traitorous jack off

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I wonder that too. For some reason evil hateful women bother me much more and its because I like to think they have more heart than men. I don't know if I'm being prejudice to women or men or both.

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I'll make a judgement on it. Animals aren't here for our "sport" or "fun".

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And yet they are still active participants in the Trump Criminal Enterprise.

They are couple of dopes alright but cruel and sadistic dopes, which must appeal to The Donald and Don Jr. and that entire crowd who positively enjoy cruelty.

So I assume that is all right with animal mutilation so as long as Don Jr.winds up in a criminal trial.

Not that I imagine that he would care.

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Call customs.

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Women are real people, capable of the full range of human expression. Maternal instinct isn't infallible. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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