Just for sportsball completeness, Elgin was also one of the best small forwards EVAH.

Arguably the best of his generation.

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I'll always second a Doctor shout-out.

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What, like Dre is gonna remember me?

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I have to remark that I am taken aback by the comments (hypothetical, of course) that emphasize the "whore" or "golddigger" aspect.

Stipulated, that she was engaged in a commercial transaction of sex for money. Since it appears that it was voluntary, this is neither admirable nor reprehensible. It was -- forgive me -- "business". It is unfortunate that the current state of our society and economy is such that this kind of transaction may seem like a reasonable way to make a living, but that is not principally the young lady's fault.

One is not required to feel sorry for the woman. She did choose this line of work, with this employer. But it's not her <i>fault</i> that he is a motherfucking racist shit-eating asshole. He was a motherfucking racist shit-eating asshole before he ever met her (and probably before she was born).

This should not, even a little bit, be about her. She is a tiny bit player in the life-saga of this motherfucking racist shit-eating asshole.

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<a href="http:\/\/assets.nydailynews.com\/polopoly_fs\/7.2114618.1398496626!\/img\/httpImage\/image.jpg_gen\/derivatives\/article_1200\/jazz-clippers-basketball.jpg" target="_blank">OMG</a>. This is what she's "dating"? <i>And</i> he's a nasty, racist piece of shit? That girl is seriously messed up.

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I call these people redneck racist whitebread motherfuckers all the time. Should I be concerned about owing royalties?

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I just . . . I can't even . . . Girl, if you put up with that shit just for the sake of the money, you deserve no sympathy. However, I do feel sorry for the players of all races who have to play for this team.

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I'm sure he's screaming "See"? See?"

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Yeah, I'm having a hard time feeling a whole lot of sympathy for the gold digger. The guy is a world class shitheel, but she was willing to overlook all of that and the fact that he's old, wrinkled and ugly because he made it rain Benjamins as long as she jumped his decrepit bones on a regular basis.

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or the Fish that Saved Picksburgh? (Dr. J. shout out)

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And in the end, isn't Snoop the real redneck racist whitebread motherfucker for pointing this out?

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I was wondering why a fat old slob like Sterling would even want to own an NBA team... then I realized that it's about as close as he can get to owning the players.

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Anybody who pays face price for game ticket can be described as "clipped".

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"Is that your wallet in your pocket, or are you just glad to see me?"

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Trying to remember whether Instagram miscegenation was mentioned in the Bibble...

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That heroic struggle to keep the help from being raped by entitlement programs.

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