#11: Employing a moron (like, say, Jay Townsend) as your campaign spokesman.

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I have a personal theory that anyone, who applies the adjective "sacred" to a thing or event that memorializes the military, never served in the military. Patriotism is not sacred.

I note that this bozo is one more mark in the "confirmed" column.

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We're law-abiding? We're too stupid to vote? Fuck if I know.

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You may have hit upon a discriminant for Republicans.

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Then a trapdoor opens in the ceiling, and I poop on him.

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And, I'm sorry to say, Johnny Carson.

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Hmm... I wonder how this would go over among the GOPtards:

"Hey, Townsend: somebody should attach a bomb to your car. Figuratively speaking."

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It always bears remembering, the standing Supreme Court precedent surrounding the First Amendment would very likely have protected Radio Rwanda from prosecution. Sometimes I think elements on the right have been studying their example.

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Well this is an education: The semi-literate, hate-filled racist goobers we always thought were responsible for those horrid posts on Yahoo! News, BrightFart, and other internet cesspools, might in fact be nominally adult "spokesmen" and other official GOP flacks and functionaries. And we thought it was just their "base".

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Anyone who can't find incivility such as, say, skullfucking, on Wonkette without having first to provoke it by being an asshole themselves has absolutely no right to call themselves a journalist.

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A disappointing bit of overstatement from Zach Carter, amplified by the traditional Huffypoo "gotcha" headline.

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Back when I was a middle manager, if someone in my organization said something like that, I would have fired him or her. But, more to the point, if for some reason I did <i>not</i> do so, I would have been fired the next day.

These assholes really should get a fucking job.

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After you complete this reading exercise, will you be a Master Politician?

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If by "vote for", you mean ___________.

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I don't suppose that the Michigan Elections Board (or whatever it may be called) is going to have a stern word with them about this <b>actual election fraud</b>, are they?

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