Could it be ..... Shi'ites?

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Just keeping up with the Joneses ... Israel is getting the F-35.

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Okay, which of you fuckers hacked Buchanan's account?

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that picture grosses me out less than jennifer rubin and i wish we could have less attention paid to jennifer rubin.

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Came for the snark, got an education in geopolitics, left happy.

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Yes, it's hard to know who to root for in a Buchanan v. Jennifer Rubin smackdown.

On the one hand, Rubin is a charter member of the Justify Israel's Assholery by Always Having at Least One Terrifying Arab State on the Verge of Holocaustification club.

On the other hand, Buchanan is a charter member of the If Jews Say It, It Must Be Wrong club.

Really, the only way to decide is to put them both in the Thunderdome and hope neither one comes out.

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Alas poor gfashsdjklfh

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Less remarkable when you remember that a large part of the cause for that exceptionally bloody war was the minority dictatorship in one of those two countries which share the same majority denomination.

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Aside from lacking nukes, the Saudis have <a href="http:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Royal_Saudi_Air_Force#Current_aircraft_inventory" target="_blank">plenty of military capability. </a>

They're just very, very good at arranging things so they don't have to use it.

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That's not so much a denominational thing as a secular vs. theocratic thing. Mubarak was a secularist. So was Hussein.

The weird one is Syria - the Ba'ath party is secularist but both Assads were willing to cozy up with the Ayatollahs. Maybe something to do with a shared interest in the Lebanon, perhaps?

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"Wingnuts drift so far right, Buchanan is left."

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Someone just got his CPAC invitation revoked.

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Well, at least they're practicing safe sex!

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I read somewhere that he likes chocolate. That was bad enough.

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Don't dispair!

It's not an example of Pat Buchanan finally saying something that makes sense.

It's just more proof that Jennifer Rubin is utterly clueless.

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Holy crap that's a lot of Eurofighters.

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