'may not be inclined' I'll gibe up wine for lent if any of them does.

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DeSantis, Cotton, Hawley, Carlson...America turns out fascists and crypto-fascists almost as fast as GM turns out cars made in other countries.

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The Lobotomy Twins .. raindrops keep falling on their heads.

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I gave up my subscription to the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel during the Scott Walker regime, when it seemed they were his loudest cheerleaders. Ah, but now I understand why my "Fox News" addled brainwashed parents cancelled their Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel subscription in exchange for a subscription to the "Janesville Gazette." Is this publication, by chance, more conservative-leaning?

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So, what now? 18 months of referrals, grand juries and kicking it around the chain till we let them go on technicalities?

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Request hereby granted: 13 -10 S.F.

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Yikes, indeed. Ta, Liz.

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Seems the only thing rising on Wall Street lately is popcorn futures.

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Nice rack! Wait.. wrong thread, er, website,... er, universe?

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The state of ska, I believe, is that there are more people in the orchestra than in the audience.

Also. I enjoy Melbourne Ska Orchestra.

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General Georges Boulanger leaps to mind, or at least to my mind.

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I know! Pick me! "If Biden were a competent president, he would have solved these problems in a week."

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Wait... There was international AND foreign influence in 2020?! *gasps* This changes everything.

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In essence, the campaign put the rabbit in the hat, pulled it out again, and then shouted THERE'S YOUR ELECTION-STEALING RABBIT.This is now my favorite snarky summary of the events here-in.

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