I expect the Spanish Inquisition more than I expect a paycheque from Trump.

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Is Obama born in the USA? Call Sean.Should we keep calling Elizabeth Warren Pocahontas? Call Sean.Which floozy eastern European supermodel should I boink extramaritally next? Call Sean.Need a pizza/taco bowl? Call Sean.

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that sounds like you're saying that if you brush your teeth, you don't have to wipe your ass (okay, maybe not exactly, but the logic reminded me of that.)

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I was so jealous of my brother who studied French because he got to read all those cartoon books

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Olbermann on Trump's slimy connections to Russia and Putin:


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I know at least 100 people. They probably know at least a hundred people who I don't know, who in turn know a hundred people each and so forth. Therefore I am worth 1000 million billion trillion quintrillion dollars (not counting my "brand," of course.) It's logic! And math, also, too.

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...because I want to laugh inappropriately.

...because I want to laugh inappropriately


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Check this out!! It is fucking brilliant!!!!!!https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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Mary Poppins with never be the same.

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"Donald Trump thinks he is worth $10 billion because he counts all his employees’ income as his own. Sort of like when your boss says “I PAY YOUR RENT,” because your boss is a real piece of shit."

This is what some of my students do, who think their relatively piddly tuition (state school!) pays my bills and that therefore I am their servant whose only job is to hand them As--after all, they paid for them! (Sorry, bad day at school.)

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Tell them they should have specified a specific grade on their applications. If they didn't, then it's not an "A grade" so much as "a grade". And today's special is on D's.

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Also possibly some Tucks.

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Well, wherever you feel the need for sweet relief from itching, burning, and swelling, I suppose.

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I think his brand has negative value now:


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