Yeah that part I'm not really ok with either.

So all this proves is the sleaze boils over on both sides of the pot.

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If they ever make these a reality, Lyft should change their name to Johnny Cab

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You joke, but this + prospecting is already happening.

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I'd rather see this:http://www.earthintransitio...

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I was making a little joke, like Lyft is Skynet or HAL, and means to recruit our computers as drivers.

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Apparently I'm a little slow today. ;)

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It was the very first thing I thought of.

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Wow, just this am we were discussing time travel. I've got to believe humans never figure it out. If they did, there's be tour busses full of them all over everyday. Woopsy, supposed to be a reply to nightmoth, plz don't ban me😏

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that's what's so amazing! the Germans were so advanced that even god was behind the times when he finally gifted the vision to Ford.

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Early results show over 50% of the votes today are against Proposition 1 here in Austin (look it up... I don't have time to 'splain.) Lyft said they will leave Austin effective Monday at 5:00 AM if Proposition 1 fails.

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I don't see anything wrong with this plan! Throw a few million cabdrivers and truck drivers out of work, all while continuing to let people stockpile huge caches of weapons, while Fox News and the rest of the right wing entertainment complex whips them into a frenzy. Yeah, this is all gonna work out just great.

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And will the autonomous cab know where to get some good blow and hookers?

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Priceline was $3 a share after 9/11 (I know because I almost bought it) and it went to $1200 a share within ten years, so Shatner is waaaay too rich to have to be the CEO with all the shares he got from back in the day. It was the best performing stock of the decade. Kicked myself a few times over that one.

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I see you've met my new friend, Skynet.

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I was watching a bunch of dolphins one day, and thought "man, they've got it good." Basically they frolic all day and have sex. I'd like to not work so I could also do these things.

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