They won mainly because Obama wanted to give people affordable health care. THE HORROR! THE HORROR!

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Yeah, that was one of the few times I admired W, too. I think towards the end, Bush pretty much hated Cheney. I think if Bush had a better VP than Cheney, he might not have been quite as much of a disastrous president.

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Brzinzki (sp), The apple didn’t fall far from the tree. The tree of death.

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Ken Blackwell

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If you retroactively eliminate the Electoral College, Al Gore was President in 2001, when September 11 was probably just primary day in New York City, with the evening news trying to fill in the dull day with more speculation about Chandra Levy.

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Ugh. And PBS has a W American Experience tonight. No, I didn't watch. Ta, Stephen.

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A farcical judicial ceremony!

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I remember after his reelection, he said in an interview that he considered himself the President only of those who voted for him and beholden only to them.

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On Inauguration Day 2001, there were Bush (Pres), Cheney (VP), Hastert (Speaker) and Thurmond (Senate President Pro tem) - talk about your Axis of Evil!

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Hoover was the one who recommended Nixon to Eisenhower, so he gets second worst on his 'complete body of work'!

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It's only better if they recoil in horror, not if they pride themselves on being deplorable!

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Remember in the 2000 debate that he went on and on about how he was a-hugging and a-kissing the disaster victims and the media Kool kids decided that was better than Gore getting the disaster victims funds to rebuild their homes!

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Churchill was a pretty good painter.

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I watched some of it, but it was hard to watch. Seeing Cheney and Rove again reminded me of how corrupt and evil that administration was.

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The weird thing is, with both Clinton and Obama, we had 8 year spans of relative peace and stability, and each time the idiots of America subsequently voted a Rethug into office, along with their corruption, war-mongering, financial collapses, etc, etc. And they've really outdone themselves this time.

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Yes, Republican Ohio Secretary of State at the time.


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