•Being really nice about his opponent, stating that he knows she has a good heart, before pivoting to a laundry list of bad things she has done? Check

Bless her heart.

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*sniff* I seem to have something in my eye. *sniff* If he's running for congress he must be mocked!!!!1 *sniff* Damnit.

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This didn't take long... <a href="http://thinkprogress.org/lg..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://thinkprogress.org/lgbt/2014/02/05/3251621/...">http://thinkprogress.org/lg...

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Any K-12 teachers who can tell us how to get rid of old, dried-up Ellmers? And don't say <i>used Kleenex</i>. She's already out on the campaign trail.

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"Couldn't even win American Idol"? Ronald Reagan couldn't even stand next to an Oscar statue.

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Pink walls . . . that's what did it.

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With water. Lay a soggy paper towel over it, wait overnight, wipe it off. You can sprinkle meat tenderizer on it, to speed things up.

Oh wait - you mean <i> this</i> Ellmers? Just use a much bigger paper towel.

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Aside from the inevitable bibble-humpers, few people graduate from college with fear of teh gheys -- and "middle management" suggests a promising level of education in the electorate. People who actually <i>like</i> Ellen and Elton aren't a bad base to have in NC.

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