The United States prison system has become an embarrassment and there is broad bipartisan support for tackling it.

So we can expect the private prison industry to throw huge amounts of bribes campaign contributions to Moscow Mitch to keep any vote to reform it from ever reaching the floor of the Senate.

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The one Trumpster I've spoken to about private prisons is strongly opposed to them. This is in PA that has some problems in the past with private prisons and corrupt judges.

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I would think the private prison industry would have saved so much money in the last 4 years because you fan fit in so many more prisoners in each cell when they're just toddlers.

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"Both sides" badly divided... Ah, yes. "Many" Democrats are utterly opposed to a stimulus package, while a "portion" of the GOP passionately supports aid to the poor and unemployed. What a buncha bullshit.

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A good friend of mine was a state prison guard back in the day, before privatization. The pay was shit even then. Can't imagine the benefits that private enterprise heaven brings to the lucky employees these days.

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He had a lot to answer for. Sainthood?? I don't think so.

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I have always been opposed to private prisons, and certainly still am. So it's pretty ironic that someone I love is in one - and not only that, it's the only prison in the state (private OR public) which has had ZERO cases of CoViD. So, much as I want private prisons gone, I'm more than willing to wait until CoViD is under control before that happens.

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My late RWNJ relatives (father & brother) and I didn't agree on much, but we were all in agreement regarding no-knock warrants, the militarization of police forces, and private prisons. Total fcking bullshit.

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That's why they put state prisons way out in Bumfuck County where there aren't any other jobs that pay above minimum wage.

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You don't write. You don't call...

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What could possibly go wrong in a system that financially rewards people for putting other people in prison? It's almost as if no one thought this out. But they did.

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aw, man. here's a hug.

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Make America America Again!


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I've always found that you can't cajole, persuade or force someone to make a change in how they live their life. Real change comes from within. If someone decides they want to change, things get much easier. But until they make that decision themselves, all you can do is provide care and custody.

Last spring I ran into a former inmate when I was out shopping. I had always liked him and got along well with him. He had been a trustee working in our tailor shop. We chatted for a few minutes about what he was up to, and I wished him well. Four days later, apparently tweaking on meth, he stabbed a stranger to death on a city bus.

That sort of thing can turn a saint into a cynic pretty quickly.

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That is the nightmare that turned me into a political junkie.

Why I ever entertained notions that the circumstances would improve as soon as Americans recognized how much Rethugs were lying and manipulating circumstances for the sake of the profiteers continues to shame me.

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"Fundamentalism is the triumph of Paul over Christ."-- William Durant

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