First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

Post WWII confession of German pastor Martin Niemoller

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And aren't those who do nothing about it also "Good Germans"?

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People are not illegals, you fucking fascist

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If you or I enter a country without permission, we are illegal. That is not fascist, that’s facts.

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Same kinds of reason I could not watch House of Cards.

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Murdochistan FUD.It worked here in Australia.It is working in the USA.We also made it a National Security crime to report on anything from the camps. Ours are extra-territorial tropical hellholes. So you have a ways to go yet, you have not hit rock bottom for abuse yet.

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Texas and Florida both have large enough cosmopolitan metropolitan population centres that the educated kids can move there to stay away from the horrors of small town southern bigoted hospitality and wingnuttery and still be in state. Not sure how long that will last once the RFRA and abortion bans get into full swing and the South become a Science Free Zone.Thank-you Gerry Mander.

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No we're not. Maybe it's a misdemeanor. That doesn't make a person illegal. I don't hear about people who shoplift being called illegals.No, calling asylum seekers, refugees, etc illegals is just the way to dehumanize them, leading to the disgusting treatment described here.I see you just repeat this same hateful anti-immigrant shit everywhere you show up.Breitbart enjoys your hateful shit.We don't.The way this country is treating these people makes me physically sick and so ashamed to be an american. Fuck off and go back to Brietbart. I'm blocking you because I really don't want to interact at all with shit like you

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I will tell you what is dehumanizing...when people like you think it’s ok for brown people like me to be your slaves. Bring in more and more brown people to cook , clean and cut the grass for you, with little to no pay. It’s the real reason behind the immigration obsession. Hopefully, the next “asylum seeker” that crosses the border, displaces you. Only then will it be fair!

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Remember Nurse Wubbles.https://nurse.org/articles/...

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Nope, these are PMCs not just Rent-a-cop's.These are not the guys the Cops reject, these are they guys Blackwater didn't take.

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Cruz would be full of Campbell's

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Or an animate lamp. Or, fuck, anything. I'll fistfight an alien spider. Jog around a frozen maze. Whatever you need.

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Full disclosure, military spouse. I’m fully aware that police force is supposed to be different from military (in theory). But as of late it looks like they are being given a lot of surplus military equipment, and are being staffed with ex-soldiers from our forever-wars. Tactical military training will always cement more firmly than police training when former soldiers are in situations they perceive to be threatening, especially if there’s a culture of military mentality amongst there colleagues.

The police are meant to secure civility and safety of fellow civilians, not to be an authoritarian enforcement squad. Their go-to method of operation should be de-escalation and communication, not assume the worst, always draw and point the weapon, and escalate to control a situation to their own liking. Then they have the safety net law to protect them from being held accountable. That type of brazenness comes from a macho culture that promotes a ‘strongman’ bully behavior.

In the military, in a wartime setting, competence is valued, sure enough. But outside of that, the recent tradition for promoting up and out seems to have become the status quo. There’s always been a distinctly different culture for officers than anyone in lower ranks. And the leadership has been slipping. So the young inexperienced new folks are, in many aspects, left to guide themselves. Immaturity goes hand in hand with machismo thinking. When there’s no emotional or psychological training (or simply a lack of real world life experience) to go along with the military training, people remain as young adults full of unwarranted bravado. So if competence (real strength) wins out over perceived strength (machismo), then why must the soldiers learn it the hardest of ways in a wartime setting? And why do they promote incompetent dicks up and out, in order to remove them from making others uncomfortable? Why are the leadership so selfishly motivated to beef up their resumes with special missions without making certain their troops are properly trained, and actually leading their teams? Where does all that false pride come from if not the culture?

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