Today’s NYT had a story about this and gives a pretty good overview of Mr Wade’s career. Sounds to me like he’s very good at what he does but not directly related to trying a RICO case. His skills were described as “managerial” - not inappropriate for a case like this. It also highlited sone successes he’s made in this particular case. So, though I think Willis had poor judgement to hire him given their relationship, it was not totally inappropriate. Oh, and - he may be a Republican.

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Is it safe to say that we all personally know children that should NEVER receive drums, bugles or electronic bullhorns as presents or gifts? I have known a few. Somehow these are ALWAYS the kids who celebrate x-mas or birthdays with their brand new drums, bugles and electronic bullhorns. Fortunately Crom gave us hands to place over our ears.

I do blame the people who give these kids the gift of amplifying their ability to make a racket.

But up until now I had not thought that Fulton County DA Fani Willis would be one of the people who would help an out of control noise machine make even more noise.

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This sucks

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If the case is taken away from her, she will be a pariah. In my mind, anyway.

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Oh, Fani.

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Yikes, unfortunate distraction, either way.

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How could Fani be so stupid?

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I don't know, but politically she has a lot of company, even if most of it is male.

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I should have said "how could she be so unaware of the Trump assholes" that will do anything to help him.

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I'm not worried. If it wasn't this it'd be something else.

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That it would be anything should be the thing that worries you...

I'm convinced the only way we can survive this is if Biden takes extraordinary actions I'm not sure he's going to be willing to take.

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It’s a problem with Biden that’s for sure. He acts like it’s 1985 and Tip and Ron are going to have a beer and solve all our problems.

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There's going to be violence either way and the accusations of STOLLEN elections is never going to end. The judiciary may have been weakened enough in the past four years that they might get away with it next time (we're STILL litigating 2020).

And the stochastic terrorism, if not outright, of course... Yay America...

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Total Immunity™?

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Ta, Liz. Shabbat Shalom. This saddens me.

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Here is where avoiding "the appearance of" should have been the #1 consideration. Rule #1 in ethics training. This is especially important when you're in a position to hold others accountable. "Don't f*ck where you eat" is another important tenet here. She couldn't find another prosecutor in the whole of Atlanta to hire? Forget about trying to litigate whether she was shtuppin this guy, "the appearance of" it is sufficient. Same for whether the hire, the pay, the vacations or the hanky-panky was illegal. It was too easy to avoid this becoming a thing to giver her a pass on it. And now the 2024 GA elections will be an even worse powderkeg with this toxic overhang. Maybe she wanted to pump this guy's career up from the minor leagues he appears to have been in via this high-profile RICO case, and they could be Atlanta's hottest power couple. All down the drain now and bonus, PAB either skates or gets deferred into oblivion.

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Maybe everyone will say “sorry” and be friends like in that one movie. That was such a good movie. Oh well, I’m glad someone gave the really smart important lawyer hugs and kisses and if you don’t think that you’re mean. I like those GREAT BIG swirly lolly pops that last ALL DAY.

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You are the only one making sense of this so far.

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It would make me feel better if I hadn't watched Tr*mp weaponize everything for the past 8 years and get away with it... Even when he's held to account someone's Nana is giving her SSI check to him to pay for everything.

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Maybe I'm an idiot, but why are treating unevidenced allegations put forward by a racist on trial for fraud as fact?

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I don't know Let's ask Senator Franken.

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Serial sexual harasser Al Franken?

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No. The Al Franken who gave up his Senate seat for the sake of his party instead of fighting the BS charges that the Republicans were going to screw him over with anyway.

THAT Al Franken.

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No. The OTHER Al Franken.

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Damn. Such a lapse in judgement, D.A.Willis. C'mon.

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I am suddenly flooded with the feeling that Trump is going to get away with everything. :(

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Just now?

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Yes. I've never thought any of the trials was a sure thing, but this Fani thing really kills my hopes. I thought it was the best shot at getting Trump convicted of at least a few of his crimes.

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For sure. And Aileen Cannon is going to undermine the most important trial. I still can't fathom why he wasn't immediately locked up at Gitmo (I can fathom it because we are fucked as a nation, but that line was for dramatic effect)

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Same. It looks like the Cannon trial is dead, for all intents and purposes, at least at any time before the election.

And yes, it seems so blatantly obvious to me that Trump committed a whole bunch of serious crimes that the fact that he is not yet locked up indicates really serious problems riddling the US.

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