Interesting, if like to see Mitch realize the obvious. I read an opinion piece in the wapo this morning. Basically saying that Mitch will likely turn in the trial into a shit show given he has the power to overrule even Justice Roberts and in effect turn the proceedings into a kangaroo court.

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Finally had time to read this. Ta, Evan.

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WTF for? I guess, having already sold his shriveled old soul to the GOP devils he fells he has nothing to lose, but that’s the legacy he wants to leave? That he spent his final years making a mockery of his job, loyalties, and himself? If he ever did anything good in his career, it’s long been forgotten.

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We won't know all, granted. But someone has the master password list, or knows where to find it. The question is, will tRump become enough of a liability that the NSA - the true Deep State - decides certain items should lose their protective cloaking?

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Drumpf in the Lions' Den

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Schweik reminds me a lot of Catch-22 and The Captain of Köpenick.

Schweik could be all over the place. I could imagine him on either side.

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He is the ultimate opportunist.

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Yep, need a team to don the hazmat suits and explore that server. Does anyone else think Trump probably stashes porn magazines in the suitcase with the nuclear football?

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I sure hope you're right. That would be a true win for justice.

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From across the Atlantic, it looks that this is gonna depend on how many Republicans are furious that the POTUS (any POTUS) would do something so un-American versus how many Republicans say to themselves, "hey, fuckit, why can't we do whatever we want?"

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SECRET SERVER... Someone who gives the PeeResident late-night hand-jobs? Or worse? Eeeww, lock your door, Melania!

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France is sending us eco-friendly composting solar-powered tumbrels.

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So he's going to have to really hope Kavanaugh and his other cronies are very much in his pocket.

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Trump’s codeword is “codeword”.

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And here I was thinking Mike Pounce

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