Will the beatings continue until moral improves? Awwwwww!

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I dunno, I thought the crayons and safety scissors comment was pretty hilarious myself, I snorted. Maybe it's because Palin was close enough to being Veep that I still have PTSD from the mere thought of it....

Oh no! I thought of it again! :rocks back and forth:

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Welcome to the Camp, I guess you all know why we're here...

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gotta love those Braille edition Playboy mags

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Watch out for Uncle Ernie.

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You are all special little snowflakes who all did very well. You don't need no history books written by people who hate America.

Now Go Away

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WE don't suck at writing captions, YOU suck at choosing pictures that lend themselves to truly funny captions.

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What's the difference?

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So Kissinger says: "It was Pat's handwriting!!"

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It's that just this once you get to comment.

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That doesn't count because Jimmy actually said it.

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As someone is is old- so old that I actually got to vote for Carter- I have to tell you: best band to play while losing your virginity.

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Lost all my 3,000+ comments? Oh, no. I was going to include them as a separate chapter in my book that would have made it to the New York Times Best Seller Book List. A voice in my head told me to include the Wonkette comments. If the censors don't ban the book, and if Red State doesn't announce a special book burning, and if my dead mother doesn't read the book first, it will sell millions of copies, half the proceeds of which I was going to give to Wonkette so you could pay your rent.

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I tried that. Thought I followed the instructions exactly...even got the thumbs up saying I was successful. It did say that it might take some time for things to update. That was 2 days ago. :-\

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