I am absolutely gobsmacked that known gazillionaire Donald Trump would cheap out on anything ever.

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She freaked me the fuck out, too. Then her law 'splainer didn't give as much relief as I was hoping he would.

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Probably just a seborrheic keratosis and not melanoma.

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speaker of the house has an (R) after his name

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I missed the satellite deployments, dammit. Fkn work, man, always harshing my chi...

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Not that it will be the end, just where I can see Trump & cult collectively losing it over that

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That is true, but it has a high probability of accelerating the Republican obstruction and stopping the investigation

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Yeah, he wasn't exactly Mr. Sunshine was he? He looked like someone ran over his dog. Didn't fill me with confidence.

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Rosenstein wrote the legal justification for firing Comey. Sort of like to Bush attorneys wrote the legal justification that waterboarding was not torture. So no, Rosenstein did not fire Comey and Bush did not waterboard anyone. They just cleared the way for other people to do it.

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Mr. Peepers. I loved him.

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Kinda gets me misty-eyed. Wonkites everywhere, flaming liberals most of 'em, are cheering on actual Republicans attempting to save American democracy.

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Short term gains rule now, and they have for some time, and not just in corporate board rooms!

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Pretty sure we're fucked. Sorry non-Aryan Americans, it's gonna get ugly (again). Congress won't do shit, Rosenstein won't do shit, and the average American is so willfully ignorant of reality now that Trump could tell them night was day and they'd believe him. Trump and his disgusting ilk will pilfer this country and we'll be lucky to live off the scraps from their plates. If you don't already do drugs then starting doing them now to ease the transition to a fascist nightmare over the next 6 years.

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Oh no! 😕

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Please somebody tell him it's Deep State Morgellons disease so he becomes obsessed with trying to cure it and leaves our country alone.

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