They should change it to a vote of confidence, and whoever replaces the recalled governor should have to get more votes than the governor does, or its voided.

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The picture in his attic is looking better all the time.

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I never underestimate the stupidity of my neighbors. Trump and Schwarzenegger got elected. Combine a reality-TV sideshow with a desire to own the libs, and who knows what could happen?

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He went out to a fancy dinner maskless, iirc.

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Ok, I didn't know that. Off with his head!!!!!!!!!!!

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But she is still alive.

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Me too the politics were so much better than where I am now.

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So with mail in voting can DeJoy's post office mess this up?

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He does seem like the type that inspired the practice.

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Just recall him the second he takes power, since apparently all you need to start a recall is to REALLY want to be in power...

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Not sure if it's a constitutional thing that the gov appoints. But they could easily pass a law and override the veto to screw with the process a bit.

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Thanks for the explanation.

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Koch and other fossil fuel billionaires started strategizing for and bankrolling this effort the minute California led off with tough, stringent environmental regulations.

The lack of planning and preparation got liberal democracy in some hot water a century ago in Europe. The ultimate cost was more than 70 million lives, many of the world's great cities transformed into graveyards and smoldering rubble, the shattering of borders, the displacement of countless human beings, the orphaning of a generation of children, the opening of vast tracts to a particularly hideous geopolitical game of influence, expropriation, and the theft of labor and resources, and a war debt that staggers the imagination.

You'd a thunk at some point liberal democracy would have cleaned out its savings account and bought a clue. You cannot save democracy from fascism by sitting back and being terribly sure it just couldn't possibly happen, so no big.

For going on three decades Democrats have been losing states that used to be Democratic, losing House seats that seemed like a lock, losing governorships, losing the federal judiciary, losing democracy itself, because they could not be bothered to learn the lessons of history.

If it happens in California, this is the biggest, most important win for the fascist right I can imagine, especially as a demoralizing tool going into the crucial, do or die mid-terms of 2022, which may already be lost because Democrats let Republicans pack the courts with men like John Roberts.

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Once again, I'm here begging for a "Terrified" 'moji. Poop just doesn't cut it as to how I feel right now.

I'm really glad I didn't wait to look over the voter pamphlet I just got. For the last 30 years, my voting place has been just around the block from me, so even though I've filled out the absentee ballot the last few elections, I've always dropped it off in person rather than trust the PO. For whatever reason, that polling place is now closed, at least for this election (?). I live in a particularly blue precinct and I'm worried that this is going to impact a lot of voters who don't realize this until the last minute. I suppose most of them have cars though.

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not that i am defending the 'elder' but comments made in 2000 might be considered out of date... i hate it when ppl quote something from 20 years ago - i always jump to 'well that's old therefore irrelevant'

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