Meh, you don't look all that bangable in that picture. Not like Ivanka.

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I'm starting to eye micronesia

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I knew a lot of people who lived in NYC in the 70's and 80's- they all got their apartments broken into, some 2 or 3 times. One enterprising criminal broke through an acquaintance's door with a fire axe. Neighbors said nothing. I'd hear women talk matter of factly about "my rape" like it was just something that happened if you lived in the City. It was nothing at all like today. Of course now that it's safe, middle class people can't afford it.

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Not at the moment, otherwise they wouldn't be shrieking about taking it back.

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North or south. My Mexican is good enough but my Canadian is a little better !

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I read along with Dumpf from his leaked speech. It was like doing terror-porn Karaoke.

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be safe, please.

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It wasnt him touching his daughter that creeped me out as much as the giant boner he had while doing it.

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I shouldn't be laughing at this response, but I am.

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the book is good preparation.

Margaret Atwood will be one of the authors whose work will be remembered, and read, far in to the future (if any)

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I am wondering about it being 1968 again. On the plus side there's no Viet Nam. On the minus there's Irag and big stuff to fix. Even though I did have fun, I'm too old for most of that now. If the Hilz wins and there's another Woodstock next year it might be ok.

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Sounds like we had the exact same reaction(s)!

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Triumph of the Swill.

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EXACTLY.I have tried to reason with some folks that insist on sitting it out, voting Libertardian, or "I'll show you Dem Party Elite"-spite vote for Drumpf...that if this colossal orange turd wins, people like us--educators and artists, students and "alternatives"--will be the first ones on the boxcars.

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...and they're great, big, cowards.Exhibit A: guns.

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