Yes, if only that wasn't some weird bullshit, made up to excuse raping the earth.

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It is always about one and only one thing; punishment for "sin". As I said above, it's not a baby its a penance.

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I keep hoping for the rapture. Let their God bear them to his bosom. The rest of us will protect and enjoy our planet and stop abusing her. It'll get rid of a lot of lousy neighbors too..:-)

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Everything I have seen says your observation is accurate. The logic they are using is so twisted, it falls into just being feelings. They have no power over an educated woman who can control her her bodily autonomy. This makes them angry because, they can not tell said woman, how to live or, well, anything.

If they actually cared about the babies, they would embrace teaching about contraceptives, because the surgical abortions would go down to a small number, then. But of course, it is as you say, all about (controlling and) punishing woman, and keeping them poor and desperate, and dependent on the man or church that helps support them.

I am all for letting these jerks go somewhere and set up a theocracy, but outside the States. Let them live like bronze age biblical figures. Be their own country, and accept any woman or men that realize how shitty it is to live in a theocracy back, but deprogram any refugees to be responsible citizens.

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It's not a child, its a penance, especially when conceived out of wedlock. These fucks are all about punishment for "sin". Birth control and abortion let women control their bodies, make them equal to men in that respect. Engage in recreational sex just like to boys. But the whole Madonna and Whore thingie makes them crazy. That pregnancy is God's just punishment - these fuckers are beyond saving.

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I give you Tennessee Ernie Ford and "16 Tons".. If Republicans stay in power this is coming back.. https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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So women of child-bearing age are meant to be good little "vessels" and nothing more. Sure, let's exclude half the population from making any greater contribution to society. SMDH!

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Thanks, i’m Borrowing from the successful Russian 2016 playbook.... cranking out home brew far left propaganda for my friends on the left, trying to inspire turn out

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I think those horrible religious freak parents in San Diego (who starved and beat their dozen children and had them taken away by CPS) set up their own "school" and collected all kinds of money from that scam.

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Many of the super fundies (Quiverfool types) don't believe women should give birth in a hospital; even if a woman is high risk. God will provide! If you have complications, then you must have done something wrong - either you don't have enough faith or you haven't atoned for some sin. Home-birth and home-school.

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Great meme! This pathetic lot isn't getting into a woman's pants by any other way than through legislative proxy! Honestly, who would service any of them? Makes my flesh crawl.

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Thanks for the salary/compensation viewpoint. I would suspect that would be a difficult argument for most people to counter. However, with this GOP, I would probably be wrong.

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I agree. Employers could just pay into your HSA if they want to still provide a health insurance benefit, or they could pay you more.

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I refer to it as, 'love the fetus, hate the child.'

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To me, yes. Considering that they are not even trying to hide it, even the reality challenged bubble-dwellers, should be aware at this point.

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That is what that awful, dead-looking, badly drawn face means, thanks.

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