The proper term is 'TEEFUS'. Dint nobody larn yuh no anglish?!!111

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But consider the alternative!

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Spot on. It's not Bernie's fault that those minority voters won't listen to instructions.

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"I grew up in a cinderblock house" could easily replace references to a log cabin in the pantheon of irrelevant but revered political statements.

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Now now, is that being nice to the Fuckwit Community?

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We don't care what you want on Election Day; just what you do.

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If Bernie was the bad guy you paint him to be, do you really think he would have passed on the emails? Seriously?

Yes. Seriously. He made that email remark before he started to take the mindset of his more cultish followers literally.

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You regularly hear people proclaim that they have some special knowledge of something "The Media won't tell you". They never explain how they came about said knowledge.

Again, a lot of people either don't remember the 1990s or don't want to.

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We thought of that one a long time ago. That's all ya got?

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Can references to vagina dentata be far behind?

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You already used that line. And trust me, it was no shock to the rest of us.

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You were the first to discover the next hipster fad. Congrats!

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There wouldn't be enough portapotties. That's whut.

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... why do you hate dogs? "Outside a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside a dog, it's too dark to read." - G. Marx

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... "Four teeth and some gums ago..." For some reason, the thought of Donna Rose speechifying came to mind. That is one adorable child - and as one with none of my own (or the desire for same), I can assure you I do not say that lightly. I'm loving watching her "growing up in public".

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... I thought so too, and then I thought "holy shit! They bought a swanky pied-a-terre in Noo Yawk!".

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