This guy isn't necessarily unbalanced ... he's just "not all there". We're probably talking a ca. 80 IQ. Between that and the family of fucking assholes he's had to live with, the guy really doesn't stand a chance. Lord knows what'll happen to him in prison, if they just toss him into the general population.

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Yep, Nachman/"Neil" is execrable https://thejewishnews.com/2... and has been pulling all kinds of shit in Brooklyn. https://www.atlantajewishti... He's pretending Trumpism embraces Jews, organizing rallies to burn facemasks and encouraged followers to beat up a journalist covering the event. (can't find link)

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Now back to roughly one thousand, "Yes they are Nazis but really they were very nice to us in that diner!" normalization articles.

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I can't think of him without the whole "youthful indiscretion" that came our when he was going after Slick Willie for his White House knobber. He was in his forties when he knocked up his assistant!

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This all seemed pretty dumb, and then I saw that took place in Illinois. When will any politician in that state ever learn? Also, too, can you imagine anyone trying to use that defense for other situations? "But I murdered them in my capacity as a private citizen!" Ha.

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I'll be blunt.Yes others have done equally bad or worse shit but this is shady as fuck and she deserves to lose in the primary for it.

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How is that not a joke headline and pic?

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The defense sounds like sovcit argle bargle applesauce

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That really is a problem. You'd think they'd be concerned about how it must make Blacks feel. Maybe she and the Republicans ought to do something about that perception, for that reason. That's what I'd do-- not just be commenting like an insensate bump on a log. Oh, excuse me, Senator Collins-- what a thing to say!!

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Well, at least she got rid of Lipinski.

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the private Newman is not the same as the Congresswoman---the Sovereign Citizen defense

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she literally settled out of court for this.If there is a frame up, she did it to herself

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Hopefully she will be replaced by some one more ethical, or at least less dumb.

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Democrats don't need this shit. She needs to lose her primary and go away.

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those fake eyelashes and birth control glasses don't make her likeable Also, why the heck would you put profanity on your car ? And why you messing up California with your shit?

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