It says the households-with-guns rate shows <a href="http:\/\/\/2013\/03\/10\/us\/rate-of-gun-ownership-is-down-survey-shows.html\?pagewanted=all&amp\;_r=0" target="_blank">exact opposite trend</a> of the guns-per-capita rate.
Now tell me, which is the more important metric: whether you have access to a gun, or how many more guns than hands you have access to?
Driving home yesterday, I was gob-smacked when NPR said 30,000 gun deaths a year in the US. I don&#039;t know why this was news to me, but I was stunned. How can ANYONE not look at that number, and say, &quot;Holy fuck, there&#039;s something wrong.&quot; 30,000.
(Sighs with relief again that I&#039;m on the NORTH shore of Lake Erie!)
Yeah, yeah yeah NRA, we know. Guns aren&#039;t the problem &quot;because it&#039;s got what plants crave&quot; or what the fuck ever.
Thanks again, gun enablers, for helping make the world we live in more arbitrarily deadly and terribler! Keep ignoring important conditional phrases in the actual second amendment, FOR FREEDUM AND PEW PEW FOR ALL!
It&#039;s a lengthy survey, and they don&#039;t have to answer. 0.9% of respondents decline to answer the gun ownership question.
On the flipside, there is also survey data showing that among people who do own guns, the average number of guns they report owning has been climbing significantly, which is consistent with more guns being owned in fewer households.
ETA: And when do you think a large percentage of the population started habitually lying to researchers in ways that will produce research outcomes which contradict their preferred narratives? Because GSS&#039; household ownership metric <a href="http:\/\/\/webview\/velocity\?\;op1=%3C%3E&amp\;cases2=5&amp\;\;\;op3=%3C%3E&amp\;analysismode=table&amp\;v=2&amp\;\;ao2=and&amp\;\;cases3=7&amp\;V1slice=1972&amp\;ao1=and&amp\;previousmode=table&amp\;\;\;op2=%3C%3E&amp\;mode=table&amp\;ao3=and&amp\;V4slice=0&amp\;tabcontenttype=row&amp\;count=2&amp\;cases1=4" target="_blank">peaked in &#039;77</a>.
Then there was the guy on CNN&#039;s execrable Crossfire arguing that magazine sizes and calibre rules were just &quot;arbitrary numbers&quot; with no legitimacy. The same way he views speed limits and age of consent I assume.
<i>more guns = more gun-related murders</i>
You must have a typo in there because the NRA always says more guns make us safer. Also more reasons to legally shoot each other (aka &quot;stand your ground&quot;) make us safer. Larger magazine sizes make us safer too. Like I said, must be typo.
The NRA or one of its fellow travelers have a <a href="http:\/\/\/130-million-new-guns-and-49-drop-in-violent-crime\/" target="_blank">graph</a> showing rising gun ownership versus declining murder (or crime rate) over the past 20 years. They tag this &quot;more guns, less crime&quot;.
But the number of video games has also gone up in the last 20 years too. Does that mean &quot;more video games, less crime&quot;? The amount of cash people carries has gone down as credit/debit card usage has gone up. &quot;Less cash, less crime&quot;? Maybe it&#039;s declining beer consumption; &quot;less beer, less crime&quot;.
...everyone knows that the a&quot;Kenyan and Chief&quot; orchestrated this shooting to take the attention away from <strong>BENGHAZI</strong>!!!1!11!
Making more shootings legal obviously means fewer ILLEGAL shootings, derp!
About as well as you&#039;d expect.
I haz a graph too.
It says the households-with-guns rate shows <a href="http:\/\/\/2013\/03\/10\/us\/rate-of-gun-ownership-is-down-survey-shows.html\?pagewanted=all&amp\;_r=0" target="_blank">exact opposite trend</a> of the guns-per-capita rate.
Now tell me, which is the more important metric: whether you have access to a gun, or how many more guns than hands you have access to?
Driving home yesterday, I was gob-smacked when NPR said 30,000 gun deaths a year in the US. I don&#039;t know why this was news to me, but I was stunned. How can ANYONE not look at that number, and say, &quot;Holy fuck, there&#039;s something wrong.&quot; 30,000.
(Sighs with relief again that I&#039;m on the NORTH shore of Lake Erie!)
<i>Spray-and-pray</i> is to <i>AR-15s</i> As <i>Dana Loesch</i> is to ___________.
This is why I love Wonket&#039;s lack of comments!
Yeah, yeah yeah NRA, we know. Guns aren&#039;t the problem &quot;because it&#039;s got what plants crave&quot; or what the fuck ever.
Thanks again, gun enablers, for helping make the world we live in more arbitrarily deadly and terribler! Keep ignoring important conditional phrases in the actual second amendment, FOR FREEDUM AND PEW PEW FOR ALL!
It&#039;s a lengthy survey, and they don&#039;t have to answer. 0.9% of respondents decline to answer the gun ownership question.
On the flipside, there is also survey data showing that among people who do own guns, the average number of guns they report owning has been climbing significantly, which is consistent with more guns being owned in fewer households.
ETA: And when do you think a large percentage of the population started habitually lying to researchers in ways that will produce research outcomes which contradict their preferred narratives? Because GSS&#039; household ownership metric <a href="http:\/\/\/webview\/velocity\?\;op1=%3C%3E&amp\;cases2=5&amp\;\;\;op3=%3C%3E&amp\;analysismode=table&amp\;v=2&amp\;\;ao2=and&amp\;\;cases3=7&amp\;V1slice=1972&amp\;ao1=and&amp\;previousmode=table&amp\;\;\;op2=%3C%3E&amp\;mode=table&amp\;ao3=and&amp\;V4slice=0&amp\;tabcontenttype=row&amp\;count=2&amp\;cases1=4" target="_blank">peaked in &#039;77</a>.
Correction: &quot;Kenyan-Muslim-Atheist-Gay-Communist-Nazi-Usurper.&quot;
Or simply &quot;Obummer&quot; for short.
Then there was the guy on CNN&#039;s execrable Crossfire arguing that magazine sizes and calibre rules were just &quot;arbitrary numbers&quot; with no legitimacy. The same way he views speed limits and age of consent I assume.
<i>more guns = more gun-related murders</i>
You must have a typo in there because the NRA always says more guns make us safer. Also more reasons to legally shoot each other (aka &quot;stand your ground&quot;) make us safer. Larger magazine sizes make us safer too. Like I said, must be typo.
Relax, Blond Fox News Lady, the NSA already has a list of GTA players.
The NRA or one of its fellow travelers have a <a href="http:\/\/\/130-million-new-guns-and-49-drop-in-violent-crime\/" target="_blank">graph</a> showing rising gun ownership versus declining murder (or crime rate) over the past 20 years. They tag this &quot;more guns, less crime&quot;.
But the number of video games has also gone up in the last 20 years too. Does that mean &quot;more video games, less crime&quot;? The amount of cash people carries has gone down as credit/debit card usage has gone up. &quot;Less cash, less crime&quot;? Maybe it&#039;s declining beer consumption; &quot;less beer, less crime&quot;.
Sparky for President!
...everyone knows that the a&quot;Kenyan and Chief&quot; orchestrated this shooting to take the attention away from <strong>BENGHAZI</strong>!!!1!11!