"My" Jews? O.o

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I'm still pissed at him for that.

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Yeah, I could go with favoring her but actively undermining Sanders was over the top. I personally am glad to see DWS out.

Speaking of over the top: the BoBs are utterly equating the Clintons with the DNC, naturally, adding to the already rich foamy pig doot stew of "she's a crook!" Crazy-making.

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You have my utmost sympathy, and I hope you have some calamine lotion.

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He needs to learn from Romney the younger


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Probably not. But it was made into a quite good miniseries (two, in fact, Children of Dune followed): http://www.imdb.com/title/t...

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They were all uncircumcised

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Well said! Might suggest assholyness instead of assholishness, however, due to the holier-than-thou (leftier-than-thou) roaring sounds they make at us.

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Debbie Wasserman Shultz is the Ted Cruz of the democratic party. No one likes her!

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at least he's not in a codpeice a la Sting...

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Two things: first, given what I've started reading in the emails, how much did she and her cohort control the overwhelmingly negative press narrative of Bernie and his campaign?

Second: it also means that, as a matter of *fact*, that everything we on Bernie's side were saying was, in fact, THE TRUTH. Now, to the few posters to wonkette who called me a tinfoil hat type, when I questioned who had gotten what with the DNC Incompetent Service Provider, and didn't know what I was talking about, but for all practical purposes, called me a Bernie Bro, but got amazingly indignant and insulted when I suggested they were either Hill's Bros, or among the 5,000 people who were reported in the media to be hired by a Hillary-aligned PAC to "correct the social media"... I was right. You were wrong. Do ANY of you have the cojones to reply and APOLOGIZE?


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Huh. I voted for and donated to Bernie, and I thought he got a fairly easy ride from the press. There was little questioning of how to accomplish his big goals with a Republican House, or whether his healthcare goal was unrealistic and would sacrifice the modest gains of Obamacare.

The republicans intentionally never laid a glove on him, and I worried about what kind of onslaught he'd face if he won the nomination. But the press did convey his policies, enough so that I generally knew what they were.

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"Overwhelmingly negative press narrative of Bernie and his campaign"?

Are you kidding? No. Seriously... are you kidding??????

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IKR???? How could they??? The NERVE!!!

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And so it should be.

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No, the system was RIGGED! because those terrible Democrats didn't let Independents, Republicans, and everybody and his third cousin vote in the Democratic primaries! How dare they discriminate like that? Isn't this America? Or something like that.

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