And how he was fully aware of the plot to crash planes into the WTC a full 24 hours in advance, and instead of saving anyone, told them horseshit about "God's Judgment"!

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"God HAD a wonderful plan for your lives, but he fucked it up by leaving it in my hands."

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Just ignite the foamy layer on top.

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Likely has a matching gay porn habit as well.

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does anyone remember ken layne's post a couple 9/11 anniversaries after 2001? it was an alt txt over one of the weeping jesus pictures? something to the effect of 'thanks for the warning cunt'?

and to think, it was stuef that got us in the most trouble.

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He was probably also on this flight, and the woman he was about to <strike>harass</strike> witness-encounter had an equally clever response: <a href="http://www.guardian.co.uk/w..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/video/2013/may/14...">http://www.guardian.co.uk/w...

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Honestly, I no longer have any patience with jerks sitting next to me on planes. If "I'd like to read my book now" doesn't work, I figure politenesstime is over and I just say "Please shut the fuck up or I will complain about you to the airline."

OK, so the two times I did this, I forgot to say "Please." It worked anyway, though.

Or, you could just ask, "Joey, do you like movies about gladiators?"

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Fucker asked me that question one morning as I sat drinking coffee in MacDonald's. He was 92 and a WWII vet so I tried to be polite, but after he kept trying to talk to me after I nicely asked him to stop, I had to get mad. He stopped. And a good thing, because my next move was to talk to the manager about throwing a 92 yr old WWII vet out of MacDonald's.

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why is this not gay dude flying from LA to miami?

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After a 1/4-mile plunge, the only sidewalk that's going to be forgiving is the one Wiley Coyote keeps landing on -- and even then, he takes a beating.

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Hmm ... that's 72 apiece, right. Full gross!

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What's wrong is that they think they're right.

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Oh, "this dude" is Ray Comfort. I always carry a <a href="http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v=nfv-Qn1M58I" target="_blank">banana</a> when I fly in case I find him in the next seat.

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<i>"Instead you would soberly tell them that it’s appointed to man once to die and after this, the judgment. You would tell them that God is holy, that He will judge them by His perfect law, that hell is very real and that they desperately need a Savior." </i>

Yeah, well the problem with that is that New Yorkers hear that shit all the time on subways and street corners, and they'll just call security to complain about a Jeebus Freak in their office. So save yourself the trouble, and don't make a bad day worse -- especially for the security guy who would otherwise stay downstairs.

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You can always proseltyze right back at the idjit, if you're in the mood for a bit of fun.

Just pick an obscure religion, or make one up -- they don't know a Pastafarian from a Zoroastrian anyhow -- and make sure your "holy book" is at least as old as his. With that, and a bit of imagination, your religion is just as good, and just as provably correct, as his. (It helps if you're read some Terry Pratchett.)

If you insist that you'll be coming back for another round or two after death, you have no need to be "saved", and he has nothing but an old book (just like yours) that says otherwise. (Tell him you'll think about it next time around!)

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Thank you for peeing on his stupid analogy up here, so that I don't have to down there!

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