I'm sure Cheney is in the market for one.

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damn, how do I apply?

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"All I could think about was what I was gaining - and that is the chance to spend time with my kids."

And the novelty of that wore off for ALL of us in the first five minutes... so, what kinda work you got for me?

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Disney got all the entertainment stuff X-Men, Deadpool, the Fantastic 4, Archer.

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Paul Ryan is a complete waste of oxygen. That is all. Anything else I said would get me banned.

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With votes!

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You are so smart and succinct I want to marry your brain.

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I did. But I also read the entire Earth's Children series with the exception of three pages in the middle of a 15 page long description of the various plants on the steppes that they were riding through. Auel's books were, however, worth it.

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And he will never make them pretend to wash pots that have already been washed again.

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They tossed Shine recently, IIRC. But he is still in trumps re-election campaign.

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And he is as beautiful inside, as his outside. Intelligence and compassion are so sexy.

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"Uncle" Walt was a misogynist and antisemitic. So the sweetness and light was always an illusion at best, a lie at worst.

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Here's hoping the BoD table collapses during Ryan's first meeting and crushes his little toesies.

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These people are so sickening. I am about half-past worn the fuck out.

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Why do these insanely wealthy people have such a problem with shit like food stamps? What harm does it do them??

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It"s good to see Fox selling off their assests. Now I can watch NASCAR without feeling guilty.

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