This is excellent. It might be worth pointing out that the axes of the second graph are "temperature anomaly" -- that is, deviation from the mean -- on the X, and probability on the Y.
The most significant feature (you know this, I'm just emphasizing it), isn't the shift in the mean value, but the fact that in recent decades the distribution has become less and less Gaussian; it is now much wider than Gaussian.
So the chance of a given value (say,any Wonker&#039;s local temperature) being 3 standard deviations from the mean is now maybe 3%, whereas in 1980 it was only a tenth of a percent. That is, in 1980 (or before), you might expect one day every couple of years to be 3 sigma hotter or colder than the average; today, you&#039;d expect ten days per year each way. Of course, the mean itself has also increased, so the probability of extremely <i>cold</i> days (compared to 1980) is actually slightly reduced.
Anyway, fewer really cold snaps, moar and longer hot spells. Oh, and the 5 sigma days will be another 2 or 3 degrees F hotter than the 4 sigma days, I imagine.
Of course, this all comes from James Hansen, so algore is fat, lalalala I can&#039;t hear you.
Yep ... the problem isn&#039;t at the top of the curve, where the average temp goes up a degree or two. It&#039;s in the tail of the curve: hundred-year storms start coming every year, and you have to actually expect, and plan for, the thousand-year storm. That&#039;s where the water comes <i>over the top</i> of the New Orleans levees, or washes Miami Beach off the face of the Earth. You have to wonder if even that would get the Republitards&#039; attention.
And yeah, it&#039;s Hansen ... but it&#039;s actual temperatures, from actual thermometers, from NORTH AMERICA -- no tree rings, nothing to question or deny or blow smoke about.
And making billionaires richer, so the walls around their compounds can be higher. (Levees around the poorz, ehh, not so much, because taxes, and socialism.)
And something about the gheys? I have no idea how, but I&#039;m sure that&#039;s part of the plan.
Because no scientist would ever think of calibrating his thermometers. (Especially not one who&#039;s research is based on measuring temperature.) Or notice that his weather station is now in the middle of a Wal-Mart parking lot.
Well SB, when you all get tired of being parboiled, fly on over to our left coast, grab MissT and come on up and we&#039;ll get the SeaTac contingent together and show you all the fake things to enjoy about our fake temperate lil piece of earth. We&#039;ll fake drink into a fake stupor and celebrate our fakeness. Bring your skis/snowboard. Bring your recreational and tech (including cave and deep-wreck) dive gear. Bring your underwater camera in case we bump into one of our cephalapody GPOs (turns out they smile with their arms). Bring your drift diving hook and tether so you can have a go at what being a kite feels like; hooked into the old Galloping Gurdy set blocks under the Tacoma Narrows and &quot;flying&quot; at the end of 4 meters of climbing rope during a 4plus knot current. Bring your sea kayak, white-water kayak, river kayak, recreational [lake] kayak, and even your surf kayak. Bring your hiking boots and backpack. Bring your water ski(s). Bring your mountain climbing gear <i>and</i> your mountain bike. And bring the assorted helmets for <i>all</i> of those. Oh, and don&#039;t forget your fishing gear; freshwater (including flys both dry and wet) and saltwater. We&#039;ll fake you through all those activities and send you both off back home with fake smiles. <i>NOBODY</i> puts the &quot;Holy <i>shit</i>, this is a kick in the <i>ass</i> - can we do it again? <i>Can</i> we?&quot; into fake shit like we do, SB. And for at least a quarter of the year you can do any or all of those things in the same visit. Oh, and some folks think we have decent coffee, too, also.
This is excellent. It might be worth pointing out that the axes of the second graph are &quot;temperature anomaly&quot; -- that is, deviation from the mean -- on the X, and probability on the Y.
The most significant feature (you know this, I&#039;m just emphasizing it), isn&#039;t the shift in the mean value, but the fact that in recent decades the distribution has become less and less Gaussian; it is now much wider than Gaussian.
So the chance of a given value (say,any Wonker&#039;s local temperature) being 3 standard deviations from the mean is now maybe 3%, whereas in 1980 it was only a tenth of a percent. That is, in 1980 (or before), you might expect one day every couple of years to be 3 sigma hotter or colder than the average; today, you&#039;d expect ten days per year each way. Of course, the mean itself has also increased, so the probability of extremely <i>cold</i> days (compared to 1980) is actually slightly reduced.
Anyway, fewer really cold snaps, moar and longer hot spells. Oh, and the 5 sigma days will be another 2 or 3 degrees F hotter than the 4 sigma days, I imagine.
Of course, this all comes from James Hansen, so algore is fat, lalalala I can&#039;t hear you.
I would like to stick a carefully selected shrubbery up each of their asses.
Yep ... the problem isn&#039;t at the top of the curve, where the average temp goes up a degree or two. It&#039;s in the tail of the curve: hundred-year storms start coming every year, and you have to actually expect, and plan for, the thousand-year storm. That&#039;s where the water comes <i>over the top</i> of the New Orleans levees, or washes Miami Beach off the face of the Earth. You have to wonder if even that would get the Republitards&#039; attention.
And yeah, it&#039;s Hansen ... but it&#039;s actual temperatures, from actual thermometers, from NORTH AMERICA -- no tree rings, nothing to question or deny or blow smoke about.
And making billionaires richer, so the walls around their compounds can be higher. (Levees around the poorz, ehh, not so much, because taxes, and socialism.)
And something about the gheys? I have no idea how, but I&#039;m sure that&#039;s part of the plan.
Because no scientist would ever think of calibrating his thermometers. (Especially not one who&#039;s research is based on measuring temperature.) Or notice that his weather station is now in the middle of a Wal-Mart parking lot.
The stupid is strong in that one.
I dunno, there are a good many clods in DC I don&#039;t think I&#039;d miss.
Well SB, when you all get tired of being parboiled, fly on over to our left coast, grab MissT and come on up and we&#039;ll get the SeaTac contingent together and show you all the fake things to enjoy about our fake temperate lil piece of earth. We&#039;ll fake drink into a fake stupor and celebrate our fakeness. Bring your skis/snowboard. Bring your recreational and tech (including cave and deep-wreck) dive gear. Bring your underwater camera in case we bump into one of our cephalapody GPOs (turns out they smile with their arms). Bring your drift diving hook and tether so you can have a go at what being a kite feels like; hooked into the old Galloping Gurdy set blocks under the Tacoma Narrows and &quot;flying&quot; at the end of 4 meters of climbing rope during a 4plus knot current. Bring your sea kayak, white-water kayak, river kayak, recreational [lake] kayak, and even your surf kayak. Bring your hiking boots and backpack. Bring your water ski(s). Bring your mountain climbing gear <i>and</i> your mountain bike. And bring the assorted helmets for <i>all</i> of those. Oh, and don&#039;t forget your fishing gear; freshwater (including flys both dry and wet) and saltwater. We&#039;ll fake you through all those activities and send you both off back home with fake smiles. <i>NOBODY</i> puts the &quot;Holy <i>shit</i>, this is a kick in the <i>ass</i> - can we do it again? <i>Can</i> we?&quot; into fake shit like we do, SB. And for at least a quarter of the year you can do any or all of those things in the same visit. Oh, and some folks think we have decent coffee, too, also.
Cheers [and smileythingeys as necessary].
&quot;<em>No man is an island</em>&quot;... because we have all been flooded.
The way that made no sense in &quot;Last Activity&quot; order... makes perfect sense.
Just put it down to limeyness. The English have a penchant for using insults as terms of endearment.
Off the charts.
I do love me a good <a href="http:\/\/\/watch\?v=tWLw7nozO_U" target="_blank">Texas flood</a>.
I&#039;m afraid you end up with retsina.
Goddam loafing fish. No fucking net worth.
It&#039;s Lizzie&#039;s adjectives you got to watch for ... if she tacks on &quot;dozy&quot;, you&#039;re in trouble.
Oh, fuck no, don&#039;t tell me we have to comment in 1337 now.