What is this?!??!You godless heathens believe the universe is millions of centuries old and light has a finite velocity and takes years to get from star to star?The earth is flat and round like the top of a table, supported on four pillars, with the sky a thin solid dome above it, and the stars are little glittery lights attached to the inner surface of the dome by God.Genesis Chapter One, it's there in black and white, and ... oh no, I'm beginning to realize that you godless heathens have a picture that's grander and more fascinating than Genesis Chapter One!That's it, I'm damned.Worth it, though.

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You left out the turtles (all the way down).

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Someone on FB recommended they change the name of the telescope to the Jelly Welly Space Telly and I definitely prefer that.

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Not to be that guy, but IIRC, it's Lite-Brite.

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A classic. I played this for my kids to give them a sense of scale when they were in elementary school.

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MTG. Just sayin

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But, lucky for them, they are millions of light years away.

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Nelson wasn't much of an 'astronaut" more than a Senator on a junket.

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But the real question is, how long did it take Gawd to make all this?

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Looking back 13 billion years!!! Way to go, God!!! And you did this all on the first day, right???

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That God made all of that just for us. Isn't He great!

Seems like overkill if it's just for us.

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Didn't Alien 3 include a xenomorph that grew out of the union of a facehugger and a dog?

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First time for me too, although I'm sure a lot of corner convenience store workers have one concealed carry, or stashed under the cash register counter. I kinda doubt hers was even loaded. But hey, some employees have to wear Hotdog on a Stick uniforms too, so I can empathize a bit...for employees, not BoBo.

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The web telescope is boring you? Or is the show boring? If you find the images and information boring you have my deepest sympathy.

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