I'm sure she'd just willfully pass any and all Democratic bills and then do the bipartisan thing to iron out differences.

Pull the other one Lucy.

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They don’t have another minute to delay? Is that because they already wasted a lot of minutes on extended weekend breaks and allowing Rand Paul to give swimming lessons to the corona virus?

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“(Though Dems do need to get their messaging more coordinated on what they are doing. This was always going to be the Republican game. That's why McConnell is allowing votes on the Senate floor that fail, so they can run to Fox News afterward and blame the Dems for not bipartisanly social distancing with them to save the world from coronavirus.)”

CNN has been on this bandwagon, too. It’s maddening.

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I'm making my dad watch And The Band Played On.

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We could use a whole lot more AOCs right now. Come on Dems, for once don't let the repubs control the "conversation."

ETA. Fuck you Susan Collins

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OMG. A small mom and pop business. A diner closed!

There are rules. And I'm not within arm's reach of Suzy C. So it's all good.

BTW, if yer gonna take a break from this shit and watch a movie, do NOT watch "3022." It's not all that good. And we really don't need another realistic movie about dwindling hope. That pic is already on screens everywhere.

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I hope Murkowski knows well enough to distance herself from Collins. Collins' campaign sounds like its headed to its death throes

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Keep Collins the fuck down there- the longer she stays away, the less pestilence- medical and political- we have up here. And it gives Gideon more time to plan how she's going to decorate her office after November!

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Oh, but didn't Mitch just recently recess for FOUR days so he could go help Bud Kavanaugh install another lifetime child nightmare judge? Where was Miss WE DON'T HAVE ANOTHER MINUTE then? Fuck her. And how dare she violate socially distancing protocol.

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You have the right idea.

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Joe Manchin is an economic liberal, and he would tell you he's "socially compassionate" (how he once described himself). He's culturally conservative, yes. But it was only 10-15 years ago when Ben Nelson, John Breaux, Mark Pryor, Mary Landrieu, and Zell Miller were in the US Senate. They were considered "moderate" when now they'd be damn near Mitt Romney Republicans. So Manchin's alright - appreciate him because when he retires, that seat will go to an atypical rightwing nutbag.

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An economic liberal, is he? He is utterly beholden to the WVa coal interests and would not know a liberal economic policy if it bit him in the ass. I get your point about what horrid wingnut we might have without him, but we as Dems deserve better than this coal wolf in sheep's clothing.

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I had to watch that for my bioethics class. Really excellent.

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Republicans just love to fuck everything up and then, when shit is about to hit the fan, screech about how awful Democrats are for not rubber stamping their nonsense bills that are OMG DESPERATELY NEEDED NOW YOU MONSTERS!

See: Refusing to extend CHIP funding and months later trying to get Dems to agree to fuck over Dreamers in order to finally get it done and prevent a gov shutdown. Of course Dems objected and Rs screamed about Democrats love illegal immigrants more than sick children!!!! I'm still furious about that one. There's strategy and bargaining and then there's heartless bullshit and I know exactly which one our current Rs have cornered the market on.

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Good god, that woman is as subtle as a rhinoceros horn up the backside...

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