Oh yeah! I learned anything will burn if you get it hot enough.

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Yep. I lived in Williamson. Not saying I knew anyone in the Klan, but some might have run the bake sales for the Ladies Auxiliary.

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There is a great historian's book, called Bloody Williamson, about it. In about 50 years, the Illinois National Guard got called in 3 or 4 times for a Hatfield/McCoy style feud, mine strikes, a legit horrible massacre, and the Klan taking over the whole damn country government.

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A lot of this is due to the fact that most people think the 40 hour week has always been there along with the right not to be injured or killed on the job. If you tell them that people were killed for striking in the past, they look at you with disbelief. These people also incorrectly claim to be Capitalists. Rule of them on that is, if someone signs your paycheck your a worker. Unless you make money without lifting a finger, you're not a Capitalist.

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Betsy DeVos is another.

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David Brooks talks a lot about it, too.

As if these men, given half the chance and money, wouldn't become Wayne LaPierre in a heartbeat. No, we are looking people with a lack of character, and are dangerous because they believe they don't have to adhere to societal norms or laws.

Lock them up.

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They were angry also, too, about gym closures. Last summer, while living out of my car, I learned a cheap Planet Fitness membership is worth it just for showers and a leisurely dump. So a gym membership doesn't automatically disqualify you from claiming poverty. But it sure as fuck disqualifies you from bloody-revolution-level poverty if your idea of oppression is denial of leg day.

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I'm late to this party, but this was beautifully said.

When I read Bragman's bullshit on Twitter, the first thing that occurred to me was to remember how many hijackers and other terrorists have been quite well off. These dudes are exactly the same.

I'm embarrassed on behalf of all Long Islanders by Bragman. What an asshole.

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Every single article by Sarah Taber is great. Holy fuck.

To paraphrase a great philosopher:

I don't know where you magic Sarah Tabers come from, but I sure do like your like your Taber-words!

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Isn't getting the rural poor to hate each other a key part of the Repo's strategery? In the words of Tom Lehrer:Oh, the white folksHate the black folks.And the black folks,Hate the white folksTo hate all but the right folksIs an old established rule

Oh, the poor folks, hate the rich folksAnd the rich folks hate the poor folks.All of my folks hate all of your folks.It's american as apple pie.But during...

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But as we saw last week, most people already know this. That's brought Americans from all different walks of life together to bond over one poverty-splaining buffoon from the Hamptons. And that's a common bond that we can build on.

I would say that people who write Bragman-esque (trust me, there's more than one) thinkpieces and shape various political narratives DON'T know this, do it's good to send out a reminder of why we shouldn't be listening to these people. 👍

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I like the idea, but...but, she didn't use any curse words or make dick jokes. =P

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Of course he's a Bernie Bro.


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It's a fine house (lots more space for less money than what I currently pay for rent), but: is 1996 considered new for a house? That's about 25 years old.

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Deep-fried rich asshole still tastes like asshole, unfortunately.

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