"We were talking to the kids about all of it and they were like, ‘oh my gosh, mom … and I said, you know, look. It could have been worse..."

This woman...she seems to embody the whole right-wing, hyper pro-natalist trad wife thing, where she must mention her kids - or make reference to the fact that she's a mom - into her mouth words every several minutes or...I don't know...some electrode that's been implanted into her body by her husband will administer a shock? It's so creepy and Handmaids Tale-ey. The kitchen, the cross necklace, all the God shit...this is a kind of sickness.

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Totally unrelated, but did anyone else notice that Clay Travis guy used last names for the two guys, but used first name for the woman with the foreign-sounding first name? It's just another psychological nudge that she doesn't belong. Fuck Tray Clavis is what I'm saying.

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As a former Southerner and as far as I know, a failure on fundie baby voice indoctrination, I must weigh in.

While fundie baby voice is ABSOLUTELY worth the deep dive and the interrogation, it's definitely not a sign of evil by itself. It's a sign that someone grew up in the South, or in a Southern Baptist church, in most cases. Consider it code-switching that most women who use FBV can turn it off. (Not all, as far as I know. I have both known and nursed women who did not apparently have another voice even in their most private moments.)

In my experience, FBV is about fear: men's fear of strong, assertive women, and women's fear of angry, judgmental or violent men.

I do agree that FBV is horribly capable of wreaking the kind of shame, guilt and self-judgment of which adults who yell at children can only dream. It's incredibly unhealthy.

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If you have to change your voice when talking around men, you are living in the heart of darkness.

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Honestly growing up in the south and having gone to a fundamentalist church (baptists went rogue and a lot of the regular people left) I confess that I have never heard this voice. Guess I got out too soon. I’m blessed with a deep voice for a woman and I’ve always had one. I COULD do the voice but I ain’t gonna. My husband would take me to the hospital to figure out WTH is wrong with me.

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Katie using the Fundie Baby Voice is an attempt TO NOT THREATEN ANY WEAK HEARTED MEN WHO MAY BE WATCHING.

Doncha remember, when women first started running for office, and even now, (Hillary!)

got dissed for their "strident, loud, angry, unfeminine voices ?"

And look at Hillary and Kamala getting trashed for the way they laugh.

Yeah, you remember.

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"They bring in someone from the Avengers to play me in the cold open."

yeah. i'm sure it required a ton of negotiations and big fees to get someone so big. it's not like one of the head writers of SNL is married to her or anything.

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Ta, Evan. Katie Britt is phony baloney from her diamond cross to her fundie baby voice, apart from being a liarliarpantsonfire.

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Mar 16·edited Mar 17

Few things are more irritating to me than fundie baby voice because it is so obviously fake and designed to make women demonstrate their submission to men.

What I don’t get is how Britt thought this voice would appeal to the suburban women her address was meant to be targeting. Of course, these are the same people who thought it was appropriate for her to give the address from a fake kitchen because where else would a woman be?

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i've dabbled in VO acting over the years. i have the classic 'announcer voice' (read: i'm a lady with a very deep voice). we all used to drag on the baby voice when it became a thing in the industry in the early 2000's (we called it 'sexy baby voice' and i think lake bell references it in 'in a world').

it's so weird and disturbing to see all this political press about it.

(also, as 'announcer voice' no one can EVER hear you in a crowded bar. those 'sexy baby voice' bitches are a five alarm fire that no one can ignore...)

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I wonder, if women are supposed to sound submissive to avoid scaring men-- reasonable, you're living with the person most likely to kill you--how frightened are those men of women?

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Mar 16·edited Mar 16

Very. "Women are afraid men will kill them, and men are afraid women will laugh at them."

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These people never cease to amaze and amuse me.

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Replace “amuse” with “nauseate” and you have my feelings.

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They actually have a healthy ability to self-deprecate. That's what surprises me. I remember when Pete Buttigieg was portrayed by Colin Jost (the two actually knew each other slightly when they were at Harvard, though they moved in different circles) as a cross between a badly-programmed robot and an annoying precocious child: Pete said "When you're being made fun of on Saturday Night Live, your life is actually going pretty well."

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I believe Pete, but Cruz and Katie were self-deprecating while clenching their teeth.

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It makes it worse that they can actually do human...

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My older sister, who moved to the wilds of western North Carolina and went native, full MAGA, uses that fundie baby voice all the time, when she is cozening somebody to get something from them. It creeps me out, but it goes down a treat with the Confederate veterans she meets in church; she knows it's a con, and the old shitkickers know it's a con, but it flatters them to have a sort-of-attractive younger woman do the helpless baby girl routine for them, all fluttery and would you help me with this? Knowing what a buzzsaw she can be when she feels challenged or threatened, this sickening cosplay just puts me that much more on my guard; it is like the rattle in the bushes that warns you to come no closer.

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Watching Britt acting normally with Cruz just pisses me off more. Here is this accomplished, intelligent woman giving the most important speech in her short career and they stick her in the kitchen and make her act like she's an idiot.

I'm not going to feel sorry for her, she should have stood up for herself, but I hope suburban women watched that.

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Maybe Rowling, an early BDS opponent, resents it when somebody implies that the Holocaust is not the cultural property of the Jewish People. My impression is that the roots of the right-wing populist revolt had to do with the decadence of the inter-war poverty, in the style of Blue Angel. Revanchism and the ever-popular antisemitism of course was ready to hitch a ride.

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This is an Arby's.

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Clearly, we need a fundie baby voice font.

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I’m still waiting for the vegan baby butthole emoji.

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just no.

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A sort of respectable Comic Sans.

Maybe Comic Serif Italics Light??

Or that kraft-y lettering with the little balls at each terminus? (Has to be a name for that one.)

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I love the idea that her voice is what Comic Serif Italics Light sounds like.

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Nah, the crafty and comic-y ones are all too cutesy, they almost have a bit of humor.

We want a wedding invitation font. And maybe, whenever it needs to be in a whisper, reduce it to one of the less flamboyantly elaborate cursive fonts (at eight points). Apply italic to it for emphasis (never bold! much too aggressive!). Add elaborate rose, tulip, and chrysanthemum from symbol fonts, gifs, or actual jpgs in the margins. It should be unreadable, feminine, so difficult to read and understand that you have to focus on it, feminine, unthreatening, feminine, elaborately humble, feminine, and oh, make sure it's always very extremely obviously feminine! I almost forgot to mention it!

Now imagine this whole comment in that font ... 'kay? That's great, sweetie.

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Mar 15·edited Mar 16

Perfect. It's almost like the message should, also, be printed on the back of the page. 😁

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