And whores. Ahem. Whore of Babylon only! It's a metaphor!

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Mike Huckabee does not know what the word goyishe means.

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Putz. As in, "What a putz!"/Jackie Mason voice

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They do take you that way the first time. And wait'll you see the CRAZY ones.

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disagree, that was pro-squeeze.

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actually, i was surprised to learn that children raised in non-religious homes become religious as adults at about the same rate as those raised in religious homes. peoples is born this way, whatever way they is.

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cheese with that?

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Pretty sure you have to die in battle to get into Valhalla, and losing when playing 'Call of Duty III' doesn't count.

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i will accept a large amount of cash as my personal savior. i will consider reasonable alternatives.

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'Mister we could use a man like Samuel Clemens again...'

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sad i will be only watching.

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Damned Samaritans, sneaking across the border, smuggling drugs, taking jobs from tax-paying Judeans...

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It almost WASN'T in the canon. To this day at least one sect rejects it. Nobody really knows why it was included, and it's amusing to speculate on how different the world might be had it been left on the cutting-room floor with the Infancy Gospel of Thomas and the Pistis Sophia.

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He's curing it by making overpriced cinnamon capsules available through His most beloved salesman, Mike 'I'm just like the Apostles!' Hucksterbee.

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I'm not so sure. I suspect it has more to do with the near-inescapable proselytising children are subjected to, however secular their homes might be.

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But Hucksterbee refuses to wear a toga cuz it's way too ghey.

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