So he still has his soul?

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Makes you totally unnecessary.

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Wha? I'm fifty miles west, and it went to 34 last night. First frost tonight according to forecast. Frozen water == cold.

National Weather Service is showing us as colder than Raleigh ... but it's a 1°F difference. Were the weatherdroids really predicting just 59 there? That's so weird.

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I found a variety of these growing in my flower beds in St. Louis years ago. Mine were orange. If I touched them, they exploded in a cloud of spores and then went limp and died, exactly like my first boyfriend in high school. The smell was disgusting - not unlike another boyfriend in high school.

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So, where's your global warming NOW, hennngggh???

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I'm not buying the orgasm mushrooms. I think the "scientists" mistook hiccups or suppressed giggles from their test subjects for female orgasms. As Snopes notes: "It appears, however, that the only people who have not been writing about this titillating phenomenon are other scientists" I mean, if this worked, it would be yooooge!!1!

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I am delighted to see a comeback of "moonbat", a fine epithet from c. 2004 that I was always proud to wear.

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"What we want to know is whether the star’s irregular light variations have the ability to cause spontaneous orgasms."

I'd say the answer is "yes", given what it's done to the fans of space aliens.

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Didn't Reagan give him a green card?

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"Irregular Vibrations" - Draft Beach Boys song that Wilson never could put a beat to.

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Yeah, I immediately thought "They call us moonbats? That is fucking AWESOME!"

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They were fine for a thousand years, until the conservatives took over, and deferred maintenance so the rich could pay less in taxes. (Downside of a Ringworld: eleventymillion bajillion bolts, and every one of them is critical.)

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True, it is amazing they didn't instead do their little 'reverse projection' shit, where they claim it's the liberals who hate illegals, and they are the heroes. Oh wait...they still think they're the heroes because they hate illegals. That's it.

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Good point!

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The hope is that with a one-way ticket (we'd tell him after he got there), he'd have to lighten up a bit. The danger is that they'd retaliate and send their planet's most obnoxious asshole to Earth, just to get even.

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How Many Laser Pointers Would It Take to Kill a Human?

The relevant scene is six minutes in, but it's Sunday, so skip ahead or don't.https://m.youtube.com/watch...

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