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Israel has gays serving openly in the military. Does this mean God hates Israel?

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Didn't the Hebrews begin allowing gheys to serve openly in their own Yahweh's Army of Destruction? You'd think after smiting them over and over with captivity, slavery and bondage, they'd learn not to mess with Him.

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Just like those Doctorates.

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I thought there was something special about him. But he did have unprotected unmarried sex that one time with Mary. (I'll bet she and Joseph had some pretty big fights over that every Christmas!) Then he pulled an Abraham on his young 'un, probably to get out of child support. And to give people a reason to hate Jews.

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I imagine she winds up this astoundingly rich load of logic by asking for poor dumb people to send her some money.

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Aww c'mon Extemp. I thought for sure you'd go for a 'Brown = gay + poop' joke.

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Which HBO special was this from?

Because I liked <a href="http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v=qPML-n1kRnY" target="_blank">this clip (on the same topic)</a> a lot better.

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why is it so EASY to believe in random portents from a mysterious supernatural immortal being who nobody in living memory has technically seen and so HARD to believe that the noxious crap that rusts the metal on our tailpipes and can serve as an efficient suicide device might be causing problems?

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There is a scripture pertaining to falling sparrows in the Gospel According to Matthew, where Christ said that every time a sparrow falls, God sees it. The Prophetess Cindy Jacobs is doubling down.

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Getting into the <i> Who's Who Among American Women</i> prolly took some time and effort.

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What about those birds who've recently fallen out of the sky in California, where the Governor's name is Brown. I'd like to see her tie those two together.

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Sorry, I'm afraid I'd be unable to get beyond the stench of Chanel Number 5 that would undoubtedly accompany her blue balls.

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Bird goes up, bird goes down.

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