Live shot of Mel Gibson retweeting James Woods:


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If you take the things he's given responsibility for in the 20th century alone, destroying Satan would have been a more prudent move.

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His IQ went down after doing too much drugs from the movie Another Day in Paradise.

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You know, when he couldn't appear in public without blathering that he got 800 on his math SAT or whatever, it was SO CLEAR RIGHT THEN what a fucking asshole he was. I bet that whole thing was a lie from the get-go.

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My experience throughout my entire life has been that truly smart people never, ever, ever "boast" about it. They don't need to. They usually don't WANT to, having been mocked and teased about it through school. It is only, always, the mediocre.

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He was always a knob. He used to go on talk shows and have to boast about his SAT scores, as an ADULT. He also has always had a taste for underage girls. He's a knob's knob.

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The only thing I ever liked him in was "Hercules." (as Hades)

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Truly smart people are humble, because it takes a degree of intelligence to fully realize how much more there is that you don't know and still need to learn. Stupid people are the ones who think they already know everything.

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i thought the white house was the criminal hideout -

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I can't stand the sight of him, though my shrink thinks I should watch "Magnolia."

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I never want to see that guy ever again. Except my shrink said I should watch "Magnolia," because it's a good movie.

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Hmmm. In that case, I should probably stay away from Zen. If I wanted to get whacked in the head, I could smart off to my mother.

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As Sigmund Freud famously said, you cain't fix stoopid.

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No doubt he was tested by the same people who told Donnie he was SMRT.

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Exactly.- Dr. David Dunning & Dr. Justin Kruger

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