My son had his first adult run-in with the health care system yesterday. He took time off work to go to the doctor to get a prescription to refill some medication. Dr. said the paperwork hadn't been sent by his previous doc, so would only write him a 30 day prescription. He called the previous doc afterward: paperwork had been sent, and they followed up to be sure the new doctor had it. He called back the new doc's office. Sure enough, there's the paperwork and a note showing the doctor had seen it. So the new doc's office staff called in two more 30 days prescriptions to the pharmacy, but didn't tell him they'd done that. When he got a text from the pharmacy about his 30 day prescription, he called back the doc to ask for the 90 day script that he could mail in - thereby saving $50 in co-pay - which he'd wanted in the first place. He was told they can't call back the first three 30 day scripts from the pharmacy. They'll do the 90 day next time. In them meantime, he's out $50.

I have never seen him so mad as when he was dealing with all this. When these Millennials have to start dealing with the healthcare system under their own steam more regularly, I guarantee the call for change is going to grow.

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They've been on-again, off-again--don't know the current status. At one point, Mark Sanford broke their engagement because ex-wife Jenny Sanford took legal action to bar her and Mark's 16 yr. old son from associating with "the other woman." (Sanford said he was being forced "to choose between two loves." I have a soft spot for sentimental fools.) Jenny got remarried last year to a rich investment banker. Frankly, it's all a soap opera and I don't hold the affair against old Mark. His politics, however------

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I think Trump will ignore Sanford almost entirely. There’ll probably be some pissiness because Sanford will have to say something Trump doesn’t like because “Trump”. But overall I think Trump will just pretend Sanford isn’t there until Sanford isn’t. It won’t take long anyway.

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Good for Jenny.

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I prefer Heritage OF Hate ;-)

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Cuting "wasteful government spending" is as dog whistley as it comes, but Republicans aren't going to be interested in closet racial animus when they can get the real thing

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On a completely unrelated note, what's Gohmert up to these days?

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Mark Sanford is a useless dolt.

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Heck, were I not a illegal Canuckian I'd be overjoyed to do it. It'd be amazing fun, and there's probably a lot of people who'd pay for the publicity, just to see Der Drumpfenfuhrer turn orange(r) with fury.

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Hey, I don't give a shit WHO tries to take votes away from Donny.

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The SCDems had an entertaining twitter in response, something along the lines of: "Sure would be nice to have a Republican candidate with fewer extramarital affairs under his belt."

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He was on Chris Hayes last night and was rambling on about the deficit being the most important issue and Chris asked More important than kids in cages or being separated from their parents (don't remember exactly, I kind of tuned out when he showed up), and he said yeah.Chris tried to remind him how Republicans always increase the deficit but the idiot just rambled on and on

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Only the white one counts

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I live in a supply city for hikers on the Pacific Crest Trail. We welcome the sturday hikers and give them rides into town and back to the trail (which goes up the spine of the Sierra Nevada from Mexico to Canada) after they eat, shower and pick up their packages at the Post Office. Them is some tough kids. Relatively old farts can be tough also. A local couple in their 50s with great support and conditioning did the thru hike in 92 days. Amazing.

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Ta, Stephen.

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Yeah, I can see myself chaining myself to half the door, and people just walking by, and looking at me like "who's the idiot who is chained to the door," as they open the other door.

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